NMCC - Curriculum

Liberal Arts AA - 1415

Course Description Credit
General Education Core Requirements  
COL103 College Success 1.00
ENG111 English Composition 3.00
ENG120 Intro to Literature 3.00
HPR110 Lifelong Wellness 3.00
Communications Requirement 3.00
COM111 Speech 3.00
COM212 Business Comm I 3.00
COM221 Technical Communications 3.00
ENG227 Advanced Composition 3.00
Science Requirement
BIO114 Human Biology w/Lab 4.00
BIO120 Anatomy & Physio I w/Lab 4.00
BIO130 Anatomy & Physio II w/Lab 4.00
BIO218 Microbiology Lect & Lab 4.00
NUT101  Intro to Nutrition  3.00
PHY110 Astronomy 3.00
PHY150 Physics 4.00
PHY215 Static/Strength Materials 3.00
Mathematics Requirement
MAT125 College Algebra 3.00
MAT151 College Algebra & Trig 3.00
MAT210 Statistics 3.00
MAT227 Calculus 4.00
Computer Proficiency Requirement* 3.00
CIS105 Intro to PC Operating Systems 1.00
CIS108 Spreadsheet Applications 3.00
CIS109 Visual Basic 3.00
CIS112 Fund of Computer Concepts 3.00
CIS113 Intro to Microcomputer Applications 3.00
CIS118 Office Computer Applications 3.00
CIS129 Database Applications 3.00
Humanities Requirement 6.00
ART101 Fundamentals of Art 3.00
ART122 Architectural History 3.00
COM210 Mass Com:Media & Culture 3.00
ENG113 Working in America 3.00
ENG224 American Literature I 3.00
ENG228 Topics in Literature 3.00
ENG231 Women in Literature 3.00
ENG234 American Literature II 3.00
ENG239 Intro to Creative Writing 3.00
HIS203 Religion in America 3.00
HIS207 Maine History 3.00
PHI111 Everyday Ethics 3.00
PHI121 Intro Philosophy 3.00
PHI201 Ethics 3.00
PHI206 World Religions 3.00
SPA101 Elementary Spanish I 3.00
SPA102 Elementary Spanish II 3.00
Social Science Requirement 6.00
ECO111 Principles of Economics 3.00
POL101 American Government 3.00
PSY101 General Psychology 3.00
PSY207 Developmental Psychology 3.00
PSY209 Abnormal Psychology 3.00
SOC111 Sociology 3.00
SOC215 Social Issues & Problems 3.00
History Semester 6.00
HIS117 World Civilization to 1715 and
HIS119 World Civilization, 1715 to Present 3.00
HIS123 US History, 1500-1865 and
HIS125 US History, 1865 to Present 3.00
General Electives 13.00
Minimum 13 Credit Hours Required  
A minimum of 21 credits must be completed at the 200 level 21.00
Minimum Total Required 60.00

Students are advised to select courses that provide a depth of knowledge when fulfilling the various program requirements.  Prerequisites must be considered in order to assure access to appropriate upper level courses.  Students wishing to continue their education in a baccalaureate program should work with their academic advisor to select courses that ensure optimum transfer of credits.

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