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Presidents/Directors of the College

Mr. Keith Thompson
  • First Principal at Northeastern Maine Vocational Institute (NMVI) in 1963-1964
  • Educator and native of Presque Isle
Mr. Ralph K. Sylvester
  • Director at Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute (NMVTI) in 1964–1969
  • During his tenure the college added several programs; Sheet Metal, Auto Body Repair, Secretarial Science, Drafting, Radio TV Repair and Service, Masonry, and Accounting.
Mr. Harold L. Mailman
  • Director at Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute in 1969-1979
  • Former Coordinator of the Vocational Education Programs with the State Bureau of Vocational Education before coming to NMVTI
  • Welcomed 299 students to the campus, during his first year as director
Mr. Richard M. Knight
  • Director at Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute in 1980-1984
  • In 1981, NMVTI offered programs in 17 occupational fields.
  • NMVTI also was one of two institutions in the state authorized to offer the Small Business Administration course.
  • During the same year, NMVTI received final approval to implement an Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) upgrade program from the Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) Program which enabled graduates to sit for RN licensure. NMVTI was the first VTI in the state to begin this program during the 1981-1982 school year when 20 students started in the program.
Mr. James Patterson
  • Director at Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute in 1984-1986
  • In November, 1984, Maine voters approved a bond issue for the VTI’s which allowed for the construction of two wings to the Christie Building. A new 90 seat lecture hall/ auditorium was added to the facility at that time.
Dr. Durward Huffman
  • Director at Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute in 1986-2001
  • Huffman served as the last director of NMVTI, he became the first President of Northern Maine Technical College.
  • One of the leading architects, at the system-level, for the present-day Maine Community College System.
Mr. Timothy Crowley
  • President of Northern Maine Community College in 2001-present
  • Building Community Support for the College which included a successful capital campaign raising 2.5 million dollars in 18 months.
  • Program development includes: precision metals manufacturing, medical coding, medical office assisting, and wind power technology.
  • Distance delivery of instruction in allied health.
  • Construction of the Akley Student Center and Smith Wellness Center
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