NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


September 22, 2008

Posted by Kim Ferguson (nkfergus) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

Summary of the Safety Committee Activities for the 2007-2008 Academic Year


October 2007 – First meeting of the safety committee

November 2007 - Emergency Management Group was approved by the committee.  This is the first part of the Emergency Action Plan.  The members discussed the workplace violence policy and Bill E indicated that the weapons policy is currently under review. When the policy(s) are complete, it will be added to the Appendix list in the EAP.  The committee suggested emergency telephone on the 2nd floor – it was installed.

December 2007 - The department chairs have been assigned as the night-time administrators.  The Emergency contact list will be revised to reflect this.  The instant alert system is set up with Honeywell for emergency messages.

February 2008 - The OSHA 300 summary report is posted on the bulletin board and online to the Bureau Labor Statistics.  There was a motion to approve the Emergency Action Plan with newly recommended changes.  It was approved.

March 2008 - The crisis team was activated over the weekend.  They were notified that a student had passed away in the residential life area.  The emergency action plan was used to contact the group and things came together well.  Barry mentioned that he is working with CES Engineering to develop our Integrated Contingency Plan. 

April 2008 - The bloodborne exposure control plan was reviewed.  There were not any changes needed to be made and all were in favor to accept the document for an annual review.    The committee reviewed the energy control program; all of the Energy Control Procedures were reviewed.  The procedures were looked at as part of the required annual review of the program.   Three items were identified in the automotive shop that need procedures written, two automotive lifts and an alignment machine.   It was recommended to do things differently next year, to do an area once a month and not all areas at once.  The plan was approved by the committee.  The ICP plan continues to be developed.

Last changed: Nov 07 2008 at 11:34 AM


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