NMCC - President's Cabinet

September 20, 2010

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

President’s Cabinet

Meeting Notes

September 20, 2010 

The NMCC President’s Council met at 10:00 a.m. on September 20, 2010, in the president’s conference area.  Present – Tim Crowley, Bill Egeler, Ron Fitzgerald, Barry Ingraham, Larry LaPlante, Jason Parent, and Diane Peters.   

President Crowley reported that the preliminary enrollment shows a 2% increase over last year.  This slight increase was accomplished even with the college reducing the freshman wind power program to eighteen students because of limited resources.  

President Crowley announced that the current pass rate for the state nursing license exam is 92%.  

The college will hire Starr Flewelling to fill the part-time college store position. 

Jason Parent reported that the development office is busy planning for the Fall & Winter Expo.  He announced that due to the challenge of attracting exhibitors, this would be the last year that the Expo would be held.  The foundation will seek new major fundraising opportunities.   

The plans are also being finalized for the Employee Recognition Luncheon. The college will have its first 35 year employee recognition.  

The Construction Hall of Fame is scheduled for October 21, 2010, and this year’s recipient has been selected. 

The NMCC Foundation Executive Committee will meet at 7:30 a.m. on September 21. 

Ron Fitzgerald reported that David Raymond begins his new responsibilities as chair of the arts and sciences department on September 20, 2010.  

The academic dean’s office is working on the spring/summer schedule and sending reminders to instructors who have not turned in their class lists.  

Barry Ingraham reported that the Andrews Hall project is 95% complete. As required, the college has developed a Stopping Fire Plan for Andrews Hall.  Barry noted that the faculty needs to be scheduled for LMS training.  

Barry reported that no one from the college has been certified by Jenzabar for the business office module. Before there can certification, the validation forms need to be completed and submitted.  Larry LaPlante responded that his understanding was that all of the necessary forms had been submitted.  

Other ongoing facility items include Honeywell replacing the values in the Edmunds Conference and nursing areas, and the bid is out for installing fiber optic cable in the auto body and Mailman buildings.  

Dr. Egeler reported that the college had sent a memo the Aroostook Football organization expressing concern over the damage incurred by the college after Aroostook Football last used the college grounds. 

Dr. Egeler noted that the college needs to look at how the portal information is linking to Jenzabar.  Some of the information is not completely linking. 

Dr. Egeler met with Jean Bradbury who is working on a transition grant.  

Larry LaPlante reported that the business office is completing the tool and notebook orders.  

Larry noted that the lease ends this month on the copier in the development office and the college will need to look at the available option to replace it.  

The college has a vehicle in the motor pool in Augusta that needs to be picked up. 

Dr. Egeler and Larry LaPlante will meet to finalize the crime report.  

President Crowley presented a brief overview of the agenda for the MCCS Presidents Council which meets on September 21.  The presidents will each give an update on the projects funded with stimulus funds.  President Crowley will discuss the college’s progress on energy conservation and the plan to lease space from the city of Presque Isle to expand the college lab space.  He will also report on the fall enrollment.  

Also on the Presidents Council agenda will be the FY11 faculty pay period; an update on the MCCS foundation, and accountability standards that will eventually be required.  

President Crowley announced that the Northern Maine Development Commission is meeting to discuss funding for health care programs.  Tracie Tweedie has been identified by NMDC to lead this effort. Leah Buck will represent the college at these meetings. 

President Crowley reported that goals for Mobilize Maine include renewable energy and information technology initiatives.  The college needs to plan for what programs can be offered to support these initiatives.  

The LEAD organization is working of an effort to support higher education.  The organization will highlight the impact of higher education in the region. For NMCC, this would include graduates placed in businesses and funds spent on supplies, personnel payroll and utilities. 

 Upcoming events include NMCC General Advisory Council on September 30, NMCC/UMPI senior managers meeting on October 6, and the Employee/Retiree Luncheon on October 8. 

Dr. Egeler reminded the cabinet that information for the MCCS benchmarking report is due by October 1, 2010. 

The Campus Committees, membership were reviewed.  The committee list will not be finalized until cabinet members have an opportunity to review and/or rewrite the charges to Student Satisfaction, Professional Development and Campus Communication Committees. 

The meeting was adjourned. 

Respectfully recorded, 

Diane Peters

Last changed: Sep 28 2010 at 10:47 AM


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