NMCC - President's Cabinet

September 1st 2015

Posted by Heather Richardson (nhrichar) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

President’s Cabinet Notes
  September 1st, 2015

1:30pm 3rd Floor Conference Room


Attendance: Tim Crowley, Dottie Martin, Sue Bernard, Barry Ingraham, William Egeler
Absent: Mike Williams
Recording: Heather Richardson

Call to Order- 1:30pm

1.       Follow up on where the President’s Cabinets notes will be stored on portal:

President’s Cabinet Notes will be posted in the portal by Heather. To get to them go to www.nmcc.edu then click on Academics, then Library, in the left hand column click on College Documents, then click Committee Minutes, then President’s Cabinet. They are all listed by date. President Crowley would like Heather to send out a note letting staff know where they can access these.


2.      Reports from Department Heads

Sue Bernard

                Some of our marketing brochures need to be updated. If we update some we will have to update all due to the fact we no longer have the file the originals were stored in and there are errors on each of the program cards…Very expensive to keep up. We would like to have something a bit more personalized with more information for each program available. Sue is going to bring in the curriculum sheets to see if we can combine or create something new. Cabinet will approve.

                Sue is going to contact the media and announce the construction of the new maintenance building.

                TD Bank has contacted Sue and would like to set up a booth at our Homecoming or Open Houses. Offering students $75.00 when they open a checking or savings account. The decision was made that Open House is not the time to do that but we will invite them to join us for Homecoming, Friday Oct. 23rd instead.

                Our student nurses will take part in Take Flight Sept. 26th.  They will be taking back prescription drugs from community members with the help of PIPD.

Dottie Martin

                Late Start Promotion (See Attached) We will start registering Late Start students Tuesday Sept. 8th. Our goal is to pick up 25-30 more students.

Barry Ingraham

                Barry is going to ask Robert Smith to draw up a campus map for the entrance of the college.  A discussion about interior and exterior signage was had and will be discussed again after the campus map is finished.

                Barry asked if campus office hours were any different this week due to the semester starting. The answer is no but there will be new student orientation from 5pm to 6pm Monday thru Thursday. Also, Poly Com class is Tuesday night.

                We have 12 applicants for the custodial position. The committee will meet soon to go over the applications.

                Maintenance building construction is starting this week.

                Aroostook Hall is usable but still is not finished.

                Office 365 is working and Barry is happy with the overall transition from Group Wise.

                If an employee needs to send a group email to all students they will need to request permission from either Barry or Robert to do so.

                Timothy Crowley

Timothy would like to see NMCC get involved with this year’s World Cup Biathlon Event in February.

He would like to make sure the media is aware of the semester start up and new construction that has happened around campus.

3.       Review start up procedures, what worked, what could be improved upon.


Tim thought this semester start up went very smoothly and is pleased with

the students who have enrolled this year. He has also heard the same from the faculty.

Barry stated security was busy at res. life and the door locking system was off schedule but Robert took care of it.

Bill saw the need for better signage throughout campus to help better aid the students. He also stated the book store transfer funds needs to be addressed. Students were having difficulty purchasing books because we cannot transfer funds on the weekend.


4.      Fall enrollment report. 


As of noon on September 1st enrollment was at 716. Bill stated he has seen an increase in the last couple weeks and believes it’s due to advertisement.



5.      Schedule Employee recognition event


The luncheon will be Wednesday Oct. 7th. We will be inviting retirees as well.


6.      General Advisory Committee meeting date.


General Advisory meeting will tentatively be on September 16th. Foundation meeting will be on September 15th. This will all be confirmed at a later date



7.      Mission Review Committee make up and meeting date.


David Wyman, Pamela Buck, Dave Raymond, Dottie Martin and Sue Bernard will be putting some ideas together for the new/revised mission statement of NMCC. Tim would like to have a meeting date set by the end of the week to get this rolling.


8.      Other

      Tradition is, if you are employed at NMCC for 30 years, you get your name on a plaque positioned near a tree outside. Barry stated if we are going to keep with this tradition we should purchase different trees that stand up to our Maine climate better. Sue added it would be nice to have a variety of different trees around campus.

Meeting adjourned at: 2:48pm

Last changed: Sep 14 2015 at 12:03 PM


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