NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


September 11, 2013

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>



September 11, 2013

3rd Floor Conference Room


Attendance:  Carl Allen, Bob Collins, Barry Ingraham, Tim Crowley, Fred Doody, Larry LaPlante, Nikki McNally,– recorder


Absent:  Bill Egeler, Dottie Martin, Bob Rice, Stephen Caron, Jr., Judy Morin, Dennis Albert, Tom Richard, Rob Ottaviano, Pam Buck, Rick Taggett, George Gartley


The committee moved to accept the March minutes.  In regards to the minutes the committee should follow up on the items that were discussed at the previous meeting.


1)      Old Business


A)    Bureau of Labor Standards

i)        Respirator training – Need medical evaluation for fit testing.  Also, PPE training for maintenance and trade and tech work study.  Respirators hasn’t been added to the program yet.

ii)      Emergency Action Plan – Fire at Snow Hall, they were disappointed in the actions of the staff of fire evacuations.  After talking with the fire chief to discuss further with the RA’s going back in to check things, Tim was suggested looking into this           a little bit further, he doesn’t feel comfortable having them go back into the building.

iii)    Sent letter to request an extension a couple items to be approved until the end of October.  Thompson from MMA will make a visit in October.

B)     Active Shooter -Make people aware with a video and a basic lockdown procedure.

C)     15 passenger van training – Training will take place on September 13th in Room 205.  Have individuals fill out a form with their license #.  According to MMA, a CDL license is not required for 15 passenger.

D)    Parking

i)        There are no designated parking areas at this time and seems to be going well except   people parking on the lawn which security has given them a ticket.

ii)   Get a note out to faculty for evacuation to the old general parking lot.

E)     Security

i)        Security is going well and was very helpful with orientation.

ii)      Meeting today with Vice President and watchmen from Securitas

iii)    Guard II system (proximity)


F)   Incidents

      i)  2 fires over the summer, one in the mulch by the gazebo and other over at Snow Hall

ii)   In the past there have been several fires started in the smoking shed, Lori (custodian)                      has it under control by dumping the ashtray periodically

iii)   Speeding on campus is an issue – There is no signage on speeding around campus.  The local PD do drive through twice a day.  Check on getting a digital speeding sign on campus.


G)  Safety Training

i)        External parties on pages 5 & 6 – List office instead of the individual (ex. Principal)


ii)  Prism on page 5 – Check with Bill Egeler on the office and telephone number.


H)  New Business

i)  Fragrance free campus proposal from Carla Cambridge – motion to send to student senate.

ii) Construction –

a.         The corridor to the gym to exit is available and gym is available to 30 people at a                 time.

b.   Construction workers smoking where it isn’t prohibited, they should be going to                   the smoking booth

c.    Need to talk to construction workers about fall protection esp. safety glasses

d.                  Any inspectors stopping by the construction site – OSHA only stopped by once to       check out roof as they were passing by

iv)    First Aids Kits – Steve Caron’s students are redesigning boxes (5) for the AED.  The

shops are making plastic bags for the 1st aid kits needed.

v)      Employee Injury – Remind students to fill out an injury report they can print off of the portal that should be completed within 48-72 hours of the incident.  On the form it should specify the injury and if a visit to the ER was needed.  Also if any time was missed due to the injury.

vi)    A maintenance employee drilled into a live conduit in the automotive shop.  We ordered equipment to do testing.  It only tripped the trigger, an incident reported needed to be reported.

vii)     Carl and Barry need to get together to make sure fire log is up to date

viii)      Bob Collins mentioned a student (military style) made an instrument in his class that could be used as a weapon (knife) and he feels might be a threat to his class.  He has written statements of threats made to other students.  Bob needs to discuss it with Bill and talk to student about code of conduct and look at his background information.


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