NMCC - President's Cabinet

President's Cabinets Notes September 21st 2015

Posted by Heather Richardson (nhrichar) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

President’s Cabinet Notes
  September 21st, 2015

10:00am 3rd Floor Conference Room


Attendance: Dottie Martin, Bill Egeler, Mike Williams, Sue Bernard, Tim Crowley,

Absent- Barry Ingraham

Recording: Heather Richardson

Call to Order- 10:00



1.      Reports from Department Heads



Sue Bernard



Sue reported we need to get back to Bill Flagg ASAP regarding students installing smoke detectors, he has a September 30 press conference planned to we have to let him know days before that. Action: Dottie will follow up with Pamela Buck to gauge interest and perhaps form teams.


We are still trying to figure out a good time to have the employee recognition luncheon with the possibility of having it the week of Thanksgiving. Tim’s concern is that week is too late in the year. Some retiree’s will not be around to attend.  The original date was set for Oct. 7th. It’s now too late to get all the invites out in time.  Action: Tim has asked Sue to pick a date that works.  Mike is going to follow up with Tammy Putnam to compile a list of the employees to receive the longevity awards.  

Sue has been contacted by Jane Towle in regards to the World Cup event being held at the Nordic Heritage Center. Tim has also spoken to Jane and told her to let us know if they need anything. Steve Towle expressed the need to Sue and President Crowley for 4 new media boxes. Nordic HC will pay for all the construction materials if NMCC provides the laborers. Karl Kornchuk spoke to Pamela Buck about getting our students involved in building these. Pam and Dottie met with Frank Pytlak and this is something they would be interested in doing. Action: Sue will contact Jane and let her know NMCC is interested in building the media boxes. Sue is also going to request a permanent recognition at the Nordic Heritage Center for the time and work our students have done for the Center specifically the building of the media boxes.


Sue handed out the 2015 Travel/Inquiry Piece. It looks very good. The View Book should be back from the publishers October 6th. 

Mike Williams


Mike reported he’s still in a holding pattern on the budget. Dottie asked when the budget will be finalized and he stated the end of October.

Mike stated the pellet bids are due today and he has a conference call meeting with Charlie Agnew to go over the bids.  Mike looked in to connecting with the University for a larger buy.

Mike reported Tom Richard is attending a “WOW” meeting today and is out of his office.

Mike is working on the Payroll/HR ad and will be giving it to Tim to review this week.

Dottie Martin


Dottie shared that she had a discussion with the academic dean from WCCC about possibly creating a shared nursing course. She stated it was just a preliminary discussion and they are going to think about it.

Dottie reported TAMC’s Take Flight Event is this weekend Sept. 26th. NMCC nursing students will be there administrating flu shots and the EMT students will be on hand at the first aid hut. 

      Bill Egeler  

Bill reported that the Presque Isle Adult Ed is in collaboration with us and will be referring the “Smart Start Flex” to their students. Bill has asked Wendy to offer this to all the Adult Ed directors in the area. Bill has also written a news release about this program and has given it to Sue to edit. Action: Sue will finish editing the news release and get it submitted to the press.


Bill has sent out around 6000 email invites to possible prospects for the Open House. He is also offering instant admissions decisions for all who apply during Open House with all the information asked of them.

Shannon Cook will be helping in the Admissions area with the loss of Racheal Law.   We need to create a manual on how to do this position.  

Bill asked for more clarification on The Gauvin Scholars whether or not the students receiving the scholarship need to be enrolled full time or not.  Action: Tim will check to see exactly what our agreement committed us to, and for how long.


Bill announced the NMCC Flu Vaccine Clinic will be Oct 8th in the Edmunds Conference Center.


Tim Crowley


Tim stated that he attended the wind power testing held this past Saturday. Adam Simone of County Physical Therapy was on campus testing wind power students on their physical ability to work in their field of study and was here again on Monday to test more students. Tim was very impressed with how this works and thinks it is a great marketing opportunity. Sue addressed the concern of being unaware of events such as this and asked if faculty could provide notice so that they may be covered. Tim agreed but since the faculty may inadvertently overlook letting her know, he told her to be more engaged as to what’s going on in all departments. 

       Tim reported the 3 custodial positions were offered to Henry Staples, Miguel Malave and Francis Malave. Just before the cabinet meeting Henry had accepted the position.

       Tim also reported that there will be suggestion boxes placed throughout campus for the faculty and staff to provide comments, concerns and suggestions regarding how to deal with our budget challenge. He will reply whenever possible to those that are signed, but people are welcome to offer anonymous comments as well. He will collect the notes each Friday.  He encouraged the department heads to hold weekly meetings to keep the staff informed about any changes happening but this also gives the staff a chance to voice any concerns and ideas.

       Tim will be out of the office Tuesday Sept. 22nd and Wednesday Sept. 23rd for the board of trustee’s meeting.

2.      Enrollment update fall 2015

As of today 769 students are enrolled (up from 716 last report) with 8280 credit hours. Still down 10% Duel Enrollments are added as they come in.

3.      Late Start      

The ads are all running for the late start enrollment. So far one student has taken advantage.

4.      Mission review committee activity  

Dottie Martin, Mike Williams, David Wyman, Mary Cornelio, Dave Raymond, Dwight Clayton, Gene McCluskey, Kerri Watson-Blaisdell, Jon Blanchard, Leah Buck, Barry Ingraham and Sue Bernard met this week and compared the NEASC standard to NMCC’s mission. They took the “What does NMCC mean to you?” ideas from the staff at the Mission Statement meeting and categorized the ideas for a new mission statement. Action: They will be meeting again Sept. 30th to compile a revised/new statement.


5.      MMA safety review 

Bob Thomas was on campus last week for NMCC’s annual safety review. NMCC has earned the Shape award and is in the Leaders program. Tim stated he has a lot of faith in the safety committee, and knows they will keep up the hard work that earned theses great standings.  Barry was very prepared for this meeting and had all the information Bob asked of him.

6.      Update on Board Meeting

A Plumbing and Heating program review and a Windpower Technology program update are on the agenda for the Sept. meeting of the BOT Education Committee.

Other:  Get Campus Committee lists to Dottie.

Meeting adjourned at: 11:10am

Last changed: Sep 29 2015 at 12:02 PM


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