NMCC - President's Cabinet

President's Cabinet Notes 9/14/2015

Posted by Heather Richardson (nhrichar) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

President’s Cabinet Notes
  September 14, 2015

10:00am 3rd Floor Conference Room


Attendance: Dottie Martin, Bill Egeler, Mike Williams, Sue Bernard, Tim Crowley, Barry Ingraham Recording: Heather Richardson

Call to Order- 10:05


                       1.  Reports from Department Heads


Sue Bernard


Sue reported she spoke to Bill Flagg of Cary Medical about students installing the smoke detectors for the Red Cross project and he stated that they run off batteries so students from any program or group can help.  They would like groups of four students that can help with the installation of these smoke detectors. This would make a good community service project.  We need to get back to Bill ASAP—he has a September 30 press conference planned to we have to let him know days before that. Action: Dottie will go back to department chairs to guage interest and perhaps form teams.


We are still trying to figure out a good time to have the employee recognition luncheon with the possibility of having it the week of Thanksgiving. Action:  We will discuss this at the next cabinet meeting.  Mike is going to ask Tammy Putnam to compile a list of the employees to receive the longevity awards.

The need for the rack cards is still on the table of discussion.  Consensus is we would like to have something that offers more information. Action: Sue will create pieces for departments for the cabinet to review.  These will be pieces that could be easily updated like the curriculum sheets.

The “Late Start” advertisement will run this week in the Star Herald, WAGM TV, WCXU radio and Townsquare  Radio 

Sue stated Kerri is purchasing new software for editing videos taken with the new camera.

Sue reported the 2015 view book looks good and has been sent back for editing.

Sue reported the annual report is on schedule and we will have the finished reports in hand October 30th. (See attached)

Sue also reported that we have four sponsors for the remote broadcast during the open house event. They are Hogan Tire, Irving Woodlands, A&L Construction and Bison Pumps.  Action:  Sue will get the cut-in schedule and find people to do interviews in each of these.

Bobbie-Jo and Sue are working on the homecoming event and will be meeting Wednesday with the Alumni.

Mike Williams

Mike reported Tim Poitras has contacted him. The audit is complete and it looks good.

Mike stated the Payroll and HR position will be combined as one and we will be advertising for it soon.

Mike reported Wendy Caverhill is fitting in great.

Barry Ingraham

Barry will be out next week 9/21-9/25

Barry reported that Robert designed the campus map format and a spot has been chosen to place it as well. Action: Barry is going to make some final touches to it then get a price quoted to have it printed (on vinyl).

The MMA leaders will be on campus Thursday at 9am for our annual review.

Barry scheduled three interviews this afternoon for the custodial positions.

Barry reported the ground work for the new maintenance building is completed. The pouring of foundation should start this week. Also, all the submittals have been completed and approved.

Aroostook Hall’s lock cylinders have been installed. If keys are needed please follow normal protocol to obtain them.

Dottie Martin

Dottie reported the Late Start registration begins soon.

The Washington County Academic Dean will be visiting our campus Thursday.

Dottie reported that Heather Libby will be using the new testing center for the first time Thursday for TEAS tests.

Dottie also reported that the HIM accreditation team recommends Rhonda Harvey offer a review class for the IDC-10 students. The class will begin in October.

Bill  Egeler

Bill reported that the Presque Isle Adult Ed is offering a CT Program (“Smart Start Flex”) Dottie mention the possibility of Bill contacting Houlton Higher Education to see if they would be interested in this as well.

Bill asked if room 108 could be use as conference space due to the loss of the meeting room Wendy Caverhill is now in. Tim stated it would be looked into and that a space is definitely needed.

Shannon might be temporarily utilized in the Admissions area with the loss of Racheal Law.  Looking into cross training Andre.  President Crowley says that position is vital and cannot be left unfilled.

2.      Enrollment update fall 2015

Tim has been sending daily enrollment updates to the system office per their request.

3.      Enrollment process changes for this fall

            Tim will be scheduling an employee meeting for this Friday at noon. This will give him a chance to update the staff and faculty on the budget concerns and possible changes to Spring 2016 semester.


4.      Mission review committee activity

            Dottie Martin and Mike Williams have taken on this task with the help of David Wyman, Pamela Buck, Dave Raymond, and Sue Bernard. The system office is aware of our goal to update our Mission Statement.

5.      General Advisory Council meeting date.

            Tim has asked Heather Richardson to help him gather the informational material needed for this and contact the council members. Tim would like to have a date chosen within a couple days.

Meeting adjourned at: 11:20am

Last changed: Sep 21 2015 at 11:34 AM


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