NMCC - President's Cabinet

President's Cabinet Notes 10/26/2015

Posted by Heather Richardson (nhrichar) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>


President’s Cabinet Notes
  October 26th, 2015

10:00am 3rd Floor Conference Room


Attendance: Dottie Martin, Mike Williams, Sue Bernard, Tim Crowley, Barry Ingraham

Absent: Bill Egeler

Recording: Heather Richardson

Call to Order- 10:05am

1.      Reports from Department Heads

Sue Bernard

Sue reported that the annual appeal is almost finished and will be sent off to Print Works for publishing.

Sue and Kerri Watson-Blaisdell will be working together on the new program rack cards this week. 

Sue has taken the open house information down off the web site and will be putting up the Spring 2016 Course schedule.

The Foundation dinner invitations have been sent out.

Pamela Buck and Sue have put together a campus tour for visitors they will be doing a dry run Friday to see if any adjustments need to be made.

Mike Williams

Mike is working on a report that gives a better idea of the cost per student per program enrolled at NMCC. He is going to try and get this out to the cabinet this week.

The Directors of Finance meet Tuesday at 9am. Mike will be leaving after the meeting to go to Waterville.

Dottie Martin

Dottie will be working on the attendance failure letters this week.

Barry Ingraham

Barry met with DEP today on the air emissions. Overall it went well and Barry will get the paperwork back to them before Nov. 24th and the certificate will be good for 10 years after that.

Barry has asked Pam Zimmerman to come up and do some Info Maker training for the admissions office. Mike and Dottie asked if she could provide the business office and the department chairs with some training as well Barry will contact her again to see if that is possible.

The first Percent for the Arts meeting was Friday. Bobbie-Jo Caron, Kerri Watson-Blaisdell and Barry are on the committee. They presented information about the College and areas around campus that will house the art work. They discussed ideas for the artist to use when creating the art work.

President Tim Crowley

Tim has spoken to the department chairs about the budget. They have come up with some good ideas for a plan. The system office will be expecting the new budget plan in about a week.

Tim met with Pam Buck and they discussed possibly ending the contract for the Alternative Energy Center building and relocating the equipment and boilers to help save money. Tim will contact the city and see what can be done.

Tim presented the cabinet members with a list of programs and number of students enrolled in each. He would like the cabinet members to go over the list as well as the department chairs to determine the relative cost of each program and what programs could possibly be eliminated.

An employee meeting will be held Wednesday in the Peter Hunt room.

Tim will be attending the President’s Council Tuesday at the KV Alfond.

Claudia Steven from United Way is looking for office space. Tim is going to show her some space in Andrew’s Hall. This could be a way to bring in a little extra revenue.

Mary Smith will be on campus the week of Nov. 5th.  Tim asked if the air museum items would be in place by then. Barry is going to check into that.


Meeting adjourned at: 11:00am

Last changed: Nov 16 2015 at 9:28 AM


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