NMCC - President's Cabinet

President's Cabinet Notes 10-19-2015

Posted by Heather Richardson (nhrichar) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>


President’s Cabinet Notes
  October 19th, 2015

10:00am 3rd Floor Conference Room


Attendance: Dottie Martin, Bill Egeler, Mike Williams, Sue Bernard, Tim Crowley, Barry Ingraham

Recording: Heather Richardson

Call to Order- 10:00am

1.      Reports from Department Heads

Sue Bernard

Sue reported that WAGM was on campus last week reporting stories about the “Food Fight” that is going on between UMPI and NMCC. This is a competition to see who can collect the most non-perishable food items by weight to donate the Catholic Charities for people in Aroostook County. Also, Channel X radio is currently running ads leading up to the open house event.

The Maine Bankers association has chosen Clarina Nadeau to receive their scholarship. The award will be presented to her at UMPI in the Allagash room sometime in November. Action: Dwight is going to write up a letter to Clarina announcing this award and present it to her at an internal event here on campus. Location, to be announced.

Homecoming dinner invitations have been sent out. 22 people have RSVP. The cabinet members stated that they did not receive an invite. Action: Sue is going to check with Bobbie-Jo in regards to the invite list.

Pamela Buck and Sue are working on a standard tour for campus visitors. They will be given bullet points from the instructors of topics they would like for them to bring up during these tours.

A $10,000 gift has been given to NMCC to be distributed to 4 nursing students.

Mike Williams

Mike reported the Foundation Executive Committee meets Tuesday.

The Deans of Finance meet this week as well. The 2016 fiscal year budget will be taken to the board.

The business office will be having a staff meeting Wednesday at noon. Mike has invited Tim to attend.

Dottie Martin

The draft of the committee assignments have been sent out for review. There have been a couple of corrections made. Dottie will work on the final copy this week.

Dottie presented the 2016-2017 Academic calendar to the cabinet and department chairs for review.

Dottie attended the NEASC meeting last week and said she learned a lot. She would like to review the information she brought back with her and possibly put some of the ideas in place at NMCC. For instance the “Data First Forms”. Action: She will update the cabinet at the next meeting.

Dottie asked the cabinet members if NMCC would be handing out books in the light parade this year and if so where are the books to be dropped off and stored until the event. Sue expressed her concern on how difficult it is to hand out the books during the parade and keep up with the float. The cabinet discussed other events like the “Festival of Trees” where the books can be handed out. Action: The cabinet members did agree that the books should be dropped off and stored on the main level of the Christie complex. Sue will organize a meeting on this with all that were involved last year and get their thoughts.

      Bill Egeler

      There is an Open House follow up meeting today at 12:30 in the Peter Hunt room.

Bill reported that participation in student activities/intramurals are up and running and going well. Hockey has also started.    

This week is a busy week for college fairs and Tech. Centers.

Tim Crowley

President Crowley has asked the cabinet members to observe their department’s appearance on Fridays; not just attire but availability on Friday afternoons. Action: Report back to him with what they have observed.

2.      Enrollment update fall 2015

28 new students have enrolled to date and 44 new students have enrolled for the spring semester.

Placement testing dates have been set for every Friday.

3.      Budget challenges short term

President Crowley is continuing to engage with staff and faculty regarding the budget challenges. The department heads have been given the criteria that is considered for possible cuts in programs. The system office is aware of the challenges NMCC are facing and are willing to help by giving more time to bring the budget in line.


4.      Employee Meeting Date and Time 

An employee meeting will be held Friday at noon (location to be announced).


5.      HR Functions

The advertisement for the Payroll/HR position ran last week. So far there have been 3 applicants. Meanwhile Tom Richard will fill the HR role until the position is filled.


Meeting adjourned at: 11:10am

Last changed: Nov 16 2015 at 9:27 AM


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