NMCC - President's Cabinet

President's Cabinet Minutes October 24, 2016

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

9:00 A.M.

3rd Floor Conference Room


Attendance: President Crowely, Bill Egeler, Dottie Martin, Beth Hummel, Michael Williams, Sue Bernard, Barry Ingraham


Minutes prepared by: Heather Libby


Call to order: 9:00 a.m.


Agenda Items:


1.       Presidents Council Agenda for October 25, 2016 (see attached) – MCCS President’s Council Agenda for Tuesday, October 25, 2016, a conference call was handed out and reviewed.  The legislative session is first on the agenda followed by tracking student attendance.  This topic was discussed in the group regarding NMCC’s own procedures and implementation being done on campus.  The suggestion was brought up about utilizing student ID cards as a method to electronically track attendance, using the Nursing and Allied Health program as a pilot program.  Barry didn’t think it would be too costly, just the amount of time it would take in creating a program that would integrate into Jenzabar.  Action – Discuss with faculty to see their thoughts on executing this application.  A brief overview of the remaining items on the agenda was mentioned.


2.       Spring Semester Schedule/class registration and advertising – The spring schedule is out.  


3.       Safety Works campus visit – Campus visit of Safety Works will be going on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Barry will be guiding them around and getting the appropriate documentations and reports that they will need.  He will also locate a place to work if needed.  Barry also mentioned that another VDT session is scheduled in February for new employees.


4.       Reports from each Department: 


Mike WilliamsDiscussions are being held regarding RFP for the bookstore at a system level.  Becky Maynard and Starr Flewelling are aware of this, and any recommendations are still on-going.  There is a phone conference scheduled for tomorrow (Oct. 25th) that Mike will participate in, to discuss this matter further.  A contract has been made with CES Competitive Energy Services) out of Portland for a 12-month agreement.  Mike reports that the rates are going down, but wants to see what the University system is getting for rates, before agreeing on any longer contract agreements.  Finance Strategic Plan will be ready to present its final draft next Friday, November 4th.


Beth Hummel – Beth gave some insight to the Human Resources section of the MCCS Agenda.  The new overtime rule will become effective December 1, 2016 and the MCCS is preparing a new policy that will require all overtime to be preapproved.  Each campus will be responsible for reviewing positions to determine which salaried employees are eligible for overtime under the new rule. 

Beth also noted that at a recent meeting she attended it was mentioned that the Living Resources Program (formerly called Employee Assistance Program) is very underutilized by employees throughout the system.  A Living Resources representative was present to share the benefit information with the HR people at the meeting and encouraged everyone to take this information back to their respective college.  Action – Beth will present this information to the campus at an employee meeting.  



Dottie Martin – Dottie brought up the ACAP Comprehensive Community Assessment community forum being held on Friday, November 4 from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.  She is unable to make it but suggests that someone from NMCC should be there.  Dottie will be submitting the Liberal Studies Program review to the system’s office soon.


Barry Ingraham – There will be a meeting regarding the maintenance building, working on the specs sheet but mostly with the mechanical components.  Chris Perry has been developing some video training.  He’s been working with faculty to find out what students are looking for.  Basic items such as cutting and pasting in a Word Document is one of the items he is working on.  Chris has also been providing the SDS training to employees.  The sessions went well and were needed.  Chris will be working with Bill Egeler in developing items for the NSO.  An issue with Microsoft 365 has been worked on in regards to Alumni, who couldn’t have 365 since the integration.   Licenses have been bought at no cost.  Programming is needed to complete the process, but Alumni will not be able to access OneDrive, which is a cloud-based storage service.  This needs to be communicated to students.  In the custodial section, the floors downstairs are being stripped and waxed.  Barry is waiting to hear feedback from the Fire Marshal’s office regarding the Paint Booths, and how E-Stops are going to be integrated into it.  The Maine Forest Service representative will be here on Friday.  Barry is trying to get them to reschedule to a morning meeting time because of conflicts in schedules.  The library move is still a work in process and a specific timeline is not nailed down.  Gail will organize the timeline, but the goal is to have done during Christmas break.


Bill Egeler - As mentioned earlier, the spring scheduled is out, and Bill sent out an email to everyone regarding the process.  He is working with Beth Hummel regarding the Admission Specialist’s position; the position announcement will be distributed system-wide this week.   Bill will be attending a Dean’s meeting in WCCC tomorrow.  Agenda for this meeting was handed to President Crowley.


In reference to scheduling, President Crowley mentions that there is a need for a consistent process for when people are off campus, and a need to review the Administrative Leave Forms.  Meetings that are off-campus he would like to have the agenda details and those with the other department heads, so appropriate discussions are had.


Sue Bernard – Her office will work on promoting the spring academic scheduling through various advertisements, prints, and marketing materials.  Some Facebook ads were bought and those seem to be working well.  The Annual Appeal is at the printers today.  Foundation Dinner has confirmed 2 out 3 needed speakers, but Sue is hopeful for the third one to commit, with maybe some accommodations.  There will be displays available in the Library.  Sue will work with Beth to confirm names for the list in regards to the Employee Recognition Lunch.  Date and time for this lunch are still in the process of being planned.  The website is required to make improvements regarding accessibility.  The office knows how to implement the requirements; however, it is going be a very timely process going through each page.


Strategic Planning final stages –Strategic Planning committee met last Friday.  Coordination still needs some work, but more time will need to be spent on the goals and strategies so that a rough draft can be in place


5.       Feedback on NEASC conference – President Crowley is going to hold an employee meeting in the next few days and would like Dottie, Mike, and/or Dave to share the feedback of this conference with everyone.  Mentioned was the need to have one veteran and one new person to the process to be teamed together in the self-study. 


6.       Prep for NEASC Self-Study/ Identification of Chair for Self-Study – David Raymond has accepted the Chair position of the self-study, along with Eric Pelkey as a co-chair.  There is still the need to assemble the group so that the process can move forward.   The annual meeting for NEASC agenda is on the website and it is time to start encouraging those who need to go.




Meeting adjourned: 9:55 a.m.



Last changed: Oct 31 2016 at 10:42 AM


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