NMCC - President's Cabinet

President’s Cabinet Meeting October 4, 2016

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>


October 4, 2016

3:00 P.M.

3rd Floor Conference Floor



Attendance:  President Crowley, Michael Williams, Beth Hummel, Dottie Martin, Barry Ingraham, Sue Bernard

Absent:  Bill Egeler

Minutes prepared by:  Heather Libby

Call to order: 3:00 p.m.

Agenda Items:

1.       New Business:

Kresge Foundation Education Program document was distributed, with more questions and comments to follow in the upcoming months on this new Education Program.  The team will distribute to Department Chairs who can allocate to the rest of the faculty.   Pres. Crowley foresees a video conference with other Community College’s regarding the program and additional questions and comments people may have.


2.       Strategic Planning Progress

                Strategic Planning committee plans to meet this Friday, October 7th to finalize work so that it can                 present to the entire group within 2 weeks.  Pres. Crowley will follow up with Bill Egeler on         Enrollment piece.


3.       Fall Enrollment         

                President Crowley attended September’s MCCS Board of Trustee’s meeting last week.  Numbers           for NMCC were down 12% due to the fact that the dual-enrollment numbers haven’t been               added into the system.   When they reconvene in November, the numbers should show an      increase; however, these numbers should be attended to in early September, rather than later.


4.        Program Development and Expansion

A proposal has been submitted to the MCCS President to enhance the Diesel Hydraulics and Commercial Driving Academy so that the college can focus on workforce training and education. 


5.       Review of Open House Activities

October 14 is NMCC’s Fall Open House.  The schedule is vague at this time with the request of preparing a better schedule time frame of events.  President of the MCCS Derek Langhauser accepted the invitation from President Crowley and will be here for the day.    Discussion of plans for either a breakfast or luncheon (depending on the event schedule) will be held.  Media will be invited to talk with Pres. Langhauser, along with the community, Advisory Council, Board Members, etc.


6.       Personnel Items

Discussed was creating and formalizing a grievance process within each department.  When President Crowley receives formal grievances, they will then be copied to Beth so that the proper timeline is followed.  


7.       Round Table Discussion:

·                  Barry is working on the Academic Success Center plans to relocate the Admissions office.  Additional temporary custodial staff has been difficult to find.  A new RFP will be going out to find additional help.  Barry will be working with the Maintenance staff on safety inspections and documentation over the next couple of weeks.  A meeting with Loren has been setup to discuss the new electrical plans for the Plumbing & Heating lab.

·      Dottie will be attending the NEASC conference next week with Mike Williams, and Dave Raymond.  The SDS sheets have been updated with the help of Robert.

·      Beth is currently updating longevity reports so that they are up-to-date for November’s recognition lunch around Thanksgiving.  She is also working on updating the employee information posters which are currently located in the Employee Lounge. 

·      Mike will be traveling to the NEASC conference in Boston as well.  

·      Sue spoke about the Annual Report which the draft has been received and now is out to print.  Those should be ready in about 3 weeks or so. The Annual Appeal, which will go out with the Annual Report, will need some “wish list” items added to it.  Planning for the foundation dinner is on its way, which will be coming up soon.


Meeting adjourned: 4:00 p.m.

Last changed: Oct 17 2016 at 11:02 AM


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