NMCC - President's Cabinet

President’s Cabinet Meeting October 17, 2016

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

10:00 A.M.

3rd Floor Conference Room



Attendance:  President Crowley, Beth Hummel, Dottie Martin, Sue Bernard, Bill Egeler

Absent:  Barry Ingraham and Mike Williams

Minutes prepared by:  Heather Libby

Call to order: 10:00 a.m.


1.      Gen Advisory Council Meeting Agenda – Meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, October 20th at 7:30 a.m. in the Keegan Room.  Agenda will be forthcoming.


2.      Fall Enrollment, Final Numbers – Final numbers are in and there is a 6% decline in enrollment.  The freshman class enrollment is up 16% so we will concentrate on holding and building the numbers in the spring.


3.      Reports from Department Heads:

Sue Bernard - Sue has worked with Leah Buck to have ads out for the CDL course this week and next.  The course is scheduled to start November 7, 2016.  Foundation dinner invites will be sent out this week.   She hopes to have two students and one graduate as speakers for the evening to talk about their experience here and their success.  The Foundation Dinner is scheduled for November 10th.  Annual Appeal is being worked on as well.

Dottie Martin – Dottie, Mike Williams, and Dave Raymond went to the NEASC conference in Boston last week. The electronic workroom was demonstrated during the conference.  Dave Raymond will chair the self-study group.  Action: Dottie and Dave will be meeting this week regarding setting up a committee.

            Beth Hummel - Beth will be attending an HR Retreat at EMCC this week.

            Action: Beth will send President Crowley the agenda for the meeting.

Bill Egeler – Bill expressed his appreciation and thanked everyone for all their efforts during last week’s Open House.  There were approximately 75 prospect cards filled out and 12 applicants that were accepted on the spot.  He felt that it was a positive outreach, not only to the area but statewide.  Several schools sent students from as far as East Grand.  Many local high schools were in attendance, including Job Corp.

Bill handed out a PowerPoint for Achieving the Dream Community Colleges Count 2016 Data & Analytics Summit.  He went over most of the data which he will send to President Crowley so it can be presented in front of the General Advisory Council this week.  The good news regarding the findings is that first-year student numbers are up.

President Tim Crowley – This weekend, the TAMC Health Fair was going on. Tim reported that it was very busy and if they come back next year, he would like to see the flow of traffic to go past the bookstore area and make a loop around to see what the facility has to offer.  The hospital was very appreciative for the use of space.  NMCC students were on site to provide nursing demonstrations. 

President Crowley spoke with EMCC regarding Achieving the Dream and would like to arrange an employee meeting and invite EM staff here to provide more information and what they have been doing with the program.  Action: Dottie and Tim will get together to start planning.  President Crowley mentioned President Langhauser’s trip up here was well received and that he did a wonderful job presenting to the community along with the employees.  He is expected to be getting involved in the Foundation soon.


4.      Safety Committee Meeting – Dottie mentioned that their next meeting will be Thursday, October 20.  There may be a conflict with the General Advisory Council meeting.  Action: Tim and Dottie will follow-up on that conflict.


5.      New Program Development – Last week President Crowley and President Derek Langhauser had a chance to meet with Nick Archer, who is the Northern Maine Director for the Maine Department of Environmental Protection in regards to a strong interest in developing a Waste Water Treatment training program with NMCC that would serve the state.  This initiative will be developed.


6.      Workforce Development – President Crowley discussed the Workforce Development meeting held earlier last week.  He will be addressing Rotary in the next couple of weeks in regards to targeting refugee growth in the area.  Maine Community Foundation may be asked to assist in the marketing budget for this initiative.


7.      Spring class schedule – There are currently some room schedule conflicts but should be ready to start scheduling for spring classes in the next couple of weeks.  Action: Dottie will check to see when Detroit trip is scheduled.


8.      Personnel – 2 individuals will be interviewed later this week for the vacant nursing faculty position. 


9.      Final Notes – Open house turnout was excellent.  People traveled up to 4 hours to attend this event.  Sue was pleased when she selected a student at random to speak on the radio about why they came here to NMCC.  This student was from downstate and NMCC was the only place in the state that offered the program that he was looking for. 

Change in the President’s cabinet meeting will be held on Mondays


Meeting Adjourned: 10:45 a.m.

Last changed: Oct 21 2016 at 12:08 PM


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