NMCC - President's Cabinet

October 4, 2010

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

The President’s Cabinet met at 10:00 a.m. on October 4, 2010, in the President’s conference area.  Present - Tim Crowley, Bill Egeler, Ron Fitzgerald, Barry Ingraham, Larry LaPlante, Jason Parent, and Diane Peters.


Larry LaPlante reported that the college has two vehicles in the state vehicle pool in Augusta that need to be picked up. He and Barry Ingraham are discussing the best way to bring the vehicles to campus.


Larry requested that a meeting be scheduled to discuss the Maine Efficiency Grant.  He noted that it is very important that the expenditures of the grant funds closely follow the grant guidelines. 


Larry reported that it is time to be planning for the Part III budget.  The college needs to review previous Part III requests and determine what needs to be requested in the upcoming Part III budget.


Barry Ingraham announced that Peter Nodding of MMA will be on campus on October 6 to review safety policies and procedures and do a walk through of the trades labs. Prior to this visit, Barry will forward the last safety report from MMA to Ron Fitzgerald for his review.


The Andrews Hall project has a major issue with the day tank in the boiler room not working properly.   Barry Ingraham has contacted Mark Chambers, the mechanical designer for WBRC, to resolve the issue.


Barry reported that the IT department will need to shut down the servers in the data center to complete upgrades to the servers.  Dates for the shutdown would be either October 8 or October 12.  Larry LaPlante responded that the afternoon of October 8 is a better time for the business office as they are in the midst of end-of-the month reports.  Time for the shutdown will be discussed before a final decision.


President Crowley reminded the cabinet that NMCC senior managers will meet with UMPI senior managers on October 6, 2010, at 11:30 a.m. at UMPI.   He noted that he is interested in what associate degree programs UMPI offers or is planning to offer.


Larry LaPlante reported that the Houlton Higher Education Center agreement between NMCC and UMPI needs to be signed. He also reported that the topic of fleet vehicles will probably be

raised.  He noted that NMCC and UMPI continue to do joint purchasing of fuel and electricity.


President Crowley spoke with Jim Bennett, the city manager of Presque Isle, on October 4.  He  was informed that the city plans to raise the fee for solid waste disposal.


Ron Fitzgerald distributed the final draft of the college committee list. Committee charges and/or names have been changed for the assessment, student satisfaction, and campus communication committees.


Ron reported that the spring/summer course schedule is 75 – 80% complete.  The trade courses are now being entered into the system.  Ron expects that there will be a completed schedule to forward to the development office by October 8.  


Ron reported that the NMCC instructors who took the class for energy auditing have submitted their reports so they can be certified to teach the training..


Jason Parent reported that attendance was over 4,000 people at the Fall and Winter Expo.


Jason Parent announced that upcoming events include the Employee Recognition luncheon on October 8; the Construction Hall of Fame induction on October 21; and the NMCC Annual Foundation Dinner on November 4.


President Crowley briefed the Cabinet on personnel issues.  The search for a medical assisting instructor is currently underway, and interviews are being scheduled.  Performance evaluation for senior managers will be scheduled the week of October 4.  There will be an employee meeting at noon on October 13, 2010.


President Crowley discussed the need for the college to give input into the accountability standards that will be developed by the system office.  He noted that the college needs to review where we are, where we want to be, and where others want us to be.


Dr. Egeler reported that the inauguration of the President of Husson University which was held on October1 was very well done.


The meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully recorded,



Diane Peters

Last changed: Nov 30 2010 at 4:23 PM


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