NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


October 16, 2013

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

Tom wanted to make a correction to the previous minutes.  During a fire in Snow Hall, the fire department was disappointed in actions of the staff.  Tom mentioned the RA’s did what they needed to do.  The committee moved to accept the September minutes.  In regards to the minutes the committee should follow up on the items that were discussed at the previous meeting.




1)      Old Business


A)    Bureau of Labor Standards

i)        Emergency Action Plan – Accountability for all students and employees (headcount).  Carl came up with a draft of plan.  When evacuating the building go to your designated evacuation area and have a runner to report back to supervisor/department chair then run back to incident commander, Bill Egeler.  The goal is to have a fire drill and do a building sweep

B)    Active Shooter – Training sent out, but not many comments on it.

C)     15 passenger van training – Everyone is trained, another training will take place in January.

D)    Parking – Digital sign is up for speeding measures traffic going both ways, it also records the speed.

E)     EAP draft

i)        Carl will send the final to members; all moved to forward

F)     Medicals – Respiratory medicals and hearing tests for the maintenance crew.  Frank Pytlak and Ryan Bugbee to be added to the tests.

G)   Incidents

      i)  Back injury by an employee, it was a lost time incident

H)  MMA Training

i)        Start in library and review campus procedures

ii)      Sign off on reviewing the policies & procedures

iii)    Adjunct instructors need to know policies & procedures even if not on campus

I)       MMA Leaders Evaluation

i)     Bob Thomas like our campus safety programs and attitude towards safety

ii)   He would like to see our program cloned on other campuses



J)  New Business

i)  Fire chief will be on campus on the 21st to discuss evacuations.  Meeting in Barry’s office including Carl, Barry, Tim, Tom and Bill

ii)      Carl is working with the Fire Dept to help find us an emergency generator from the military surplus.  Our goal is to have a shelter center.  Rob mentioned having water, food, paper and plastic supply for the shelter.  It will not only be for the students, but for the community too.

iii)    Fire hydrants checked and marked

iv)    Security are in charge of safety inspections (first aid kits, fire extinguishers, safety lights)

v)      New plumber will be in charge of the eyewash stations

vi)    The design of new boxes for first aid kits should be finished this semester

K)  Open Discussion

i)  Rob has extended the hours in the cafeteria, now serving until 6:30 p.m., building                            open until 8:00 p.m.

ii)  Tom needs security on hand during campus shut down.  Some students will be staying on campus during this time. Tom will distribute a list of students and they will stay in their assigned rooms.

iii)       Judy mentioned the windows in Christie classrooms need to be secured

iv)       No more green products, going back to the bleach compound

v)      VDT training required with other training; table this issue for next meeting

Last changed: Nov 25 2013 at 9:27 AM


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