NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


October 14, 2009

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>


October 14, 2009

3rd Floor Conference Room


Attendance:  Barry Ingraham, Karl Jackson, Bill Egeler, Shawn Lahey, Tom Richard, Betty Kent-Conant, Larry LaPlante, Dean Duplessis, Judy Morin, Nikki McNally – recorder


Absent:  Tim Crowley, Dave Guerrette, Brian McDougal, Greg Thompson, Colleen Harmon, Bob Collins, Dennis Albert, Bob Rice, Dan Boyd, Lori Googins, Sonny Michaud


The set up and training for the MSDS program will be complete by the end of the week.  The Martin, Christie and Mailman Trade buildings are done except the electrical wing.  Snow Hall also needs to be done.  Adjunct faculty are not required for the training at this time.  In the future we will have them trained.  The program seems to be running smoothly.


Last year we had 100% safety training compliance.  That will be our goal again for this year.  We are hoping to have it done within the next month.  We plan on having our policies & procedures up to date & accurate. The committee will put together a comprehensive program and safety auditing checklist. The safety committee plans to set up a monthly walk through. Some of the things that the audit shall include are a schedule, standard template to check off, include a class or dept chair. The Lockout/Tagout part of the inspection would only be for authorized personnel that have locks.  The audit will be preannounced before the audit.  Karl noted he would set up a schedule.


Maine Municipal Association (MMA) will be here Friday, October 16th for audit inspection. 


Shawn mentioned that audiograms are being done this week.  Noise level testing will be held sometime this year.


While in class, it was recommended that faculty and students put their cell phones on vibrate in case of emergency and can receive instant alert messages.  It should be noted on the syllabi at the beginning of the semester.   The committee recommended to mention it to department chairs to inform the faculty at the department chair meeting this Friday.


Next meeting the committee will start to develop or update the policies/procedures.


Judy mentioned the lights near the student lounge have plastic clips that keep breaking and to have Steve check them out.  Also, mentioned was the broken tiles in the gym may have an issue with asbestos.  Barry will check on it. 


Larry mentioned the procedures were followed successfully on the day of the bomb threat and is still under investigation.  A bomb threat wrap up meeting should take place in the near future.


Bill mentioned his concern of the shrubbery in front of the north end of the building across from Residential Life.  It should be trimmed down. 


Dean noted a problem with the self contained eye wash station.  Addition to the routine inspection, the water that is changed out should also have a tag.  Shawn would look into the issue.


Betty mentioned that the water fountain in the nursing wing was out of order, Leo would be notified to fix the problem.  The water fountains were a health concern but cannot be taken out due to code regulations.


The campus had fire drills with no failures on September 29th (Christie Complex – day), September 30th (Mailman Trades building) and October 6th (Auto Body, Reed Commons, Christie Complex building – night).   On September 9th there was a fire drill in Residential Life (Andrews & Snow Hall).  Also, the Residential Life staff trained in 1st Aid, CPR, AED and fire extinguishers.


In Snow hall, Room 104 needs to be evacuated due to a strong odor.  A new seal was put in and the floor drains were checked.  The odor smells like the sewer and need to contact Presque Isle Sewer District.


Tom mentioned the security & crime statistics policy/procedures are in place and needs to be included for next year.


The next meeting is scheduled for November 4th @ 9:00 a.m. in the 3rd floor conference room.

Last changed: Oct 21 2009 at 9:59 AM


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