NMCC - Campus Communications

Campus Communications

Chair:        Shawn Lahey

Carol McCleary, Joyce Tremblay, Cindy Albert, Kim Ferguson, Chuck Brown, Shannon Cook, Nikki McNally,  Shawn Lahey,  Jason Parent (Ex Officio), Barry Ingraham (Ex Officio), Husson University Rep (Ex Officio)

Charge:    This committee is charged to facilitate smooth, efficient and collaborative operation between the various campus offices and to communicate necessary revision to the appropriate campus constituency.



October 11, 2007

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Campus Communications >>

Shawn discussed taking the package situation in pieces instead of as a whole, with the first piece being the problem of courier delivery services delivering packages to all areas of the campus instead of one central location.
Everyone agreed that packages needed to be taken to the bookstore. This would be the designated area for package receipt.
Carol brought up the issue of work study students being in the bookstore alone. It should not present an issue as long as someone is there to sign for the packages and the students are trained properly in the procedure.
Large items, such as student tool shipments, should still be delivered as they have been to avoid congesting the bookstore with such bulky items.
Shawn will write up a recommendation, submit it to the committee for approval and forward it to Alan Punches once finalized. It can then be submitted to the management team if needed.
Once approved, employees will be informed of the change via email and paper memo.
Courier services will need to be informed of this change and directed and/or shown where to deliver the packages if they do not know where the bookstore is.
Joyce brought up the issue about notifying people when they have packages in. (E-mail, phone call, voicemails, etc.)
This will be the next focus of the committee. A recommendation will be drafted for package receipt notification procedures and submitted to Alan Punches.
This item will be on the next agenda for further discussion and assignment of duties.

Room scheduling has been a problem for some time due to the various parties involved in the scheduling process not having being able to use the same system for the scheduling.
Rooms are being double scheduled which presents an inconvenience as there is a lot of last minute rescheduling.  
Gayle books one year ahead, while academic purposes are priority and are scheduled at a later date.  
Barry mentioned that new software could help the situation but this would be a costly fix, something that cannot be done with the current fiscal situation.
Everyone agrees this issue cannot be fixed without a new software system, and the committee will not go further with this unless specifically directed.

Other issues brought up included:
Carol mentioned examples of a lack of student understanding in the processes of the business office.
Specifically student bills being sent and how to understand those invoices. This has been added to the next agenda as a topic for discussion.
Shannon inquired about a type of software that can show the costs incurred to the students for each class they take so they will know their charges.
Barry will bring this to the I.T. staff for review to see if this can be accomplished. The committee does not require action on this matter.
Joyce mentioned that the door next to the mailroom being a hazard to someone walking out of the mailroom and suggested the committee investigate possible corrective measures.
This item has been noted as an item for the next agenda.

* The next meeting is scheduled for November 15th, at 1:30pm *

Last changed: Oct 12 2007 at 3:10 PM


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