NMCC - President's Cabinet

November 8, 2010

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

The President’s Cabinet met at 10:00 am on November 8, 2010, in the President’s conference room.  Present – Tim Crowley, Bill Egeler, Ron Fitzgerald, Barry Ingraham, Larry LaPlante, Jason Parent, and Diane Peters.


President Crowley reported that the college refused the biomass grant for $750,000 because the college was unable to secure the matching funds.


President Crowley asked for the status of the spring course schedule.  Currently, the schedule is being reviewed by Dr. Egeler, and once the review is complete it will be ready to go public online. 


The Maine Community College System has created a committee to review the refund policies of the system and/or the colleges.  Larry LaPlante will represent NMCC on this committee.


Jason Parent reported that he continues to work on the proposal for a major donation. He is also working on the application for the Haas scholarship.


Dr. Egeler will attend the Houlton Higher Education Center/NMCC “Intro to College Day” on December 12.  He inquired as to whom else from the college would be attending this event.  Jason Parent and Ron Fitzgerald will also be attending. 


Ron Fitzgerald reported that the Emergency Medical Services program accreditation site visit went very well.  The visiting team expressed praise for the program, the self study, and the preparation for the visit.


Ron reported that the results medical assisting accreditation site visit was not as positive.  The college expects several citations in this area. The college has work to do in the course offerings for the medical assisting program. 


Barry Ingraham reported that he will meet with P & D to discuss a process for refinishing the gymnasium floor.  Barry plans to check references for the product that is being recommended for this job. 


President Crowley reminded the managers that they need to remind their staff to close windows and turn off lights in offices and classrooms.  Energy conservation will only occur if everyone does their past.


Barry Ingraham reported that the college needs to consider purchasing new backup technology.  The current backup system is very slow.


President Crowley plans to meet with Larry LaPlante and Chuck Brown to discuss the college’s process and communication to students regarding refunds.


The General Advisory council will meet on November 16, 2010.  The council will be offered a tour of selected programs and President Crowley will present a “white paper” on the college position on education in Aroostook County and what the college should plan for the future. President Crowley discussed with the managers his findings to date in preparing this paper.


The meet was adjourned.


Respectfully recorded,



Diane Peters.

Last changed: Nov 30 2010 at 4:27 PM


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