NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


November 7, 2007

Posted by Kim Ferguson (nkfergus) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>


November 7, 2007

Learning Center Classroom


Attendance:  Karl Jackson, Colleen Harmon, Dave Guerrette, Larry LaPlante, Bill Egeler

Betty Kent-Conant, Tom Richard, Jackie Nadeau, Nikki McNally – recorder


Absent:  Barry Ingraham, Shawn Lahey, Roger Crouse, Greg Thompson, Bob Collins Tim Crowley, Alan Punches, Bob Rice, Dan Boyd, Brian McDougal, Dean Duplessis, Dennis Albert, Lori Googins, Sonny Michaud


There was a discussion on the issue of gloves used by the custodial staff.  The custodial staff has been using latex gloves that state on the box that they meet USDA recommendations. It was brought to the attention during bloodborne pathogen training provided by Daryl Boucher that these gloves may not be the correct gloves for that type of situation.  After researching this, Daryl indicated that these gloves are acceptable, but he suggested the type of glove used in the Nursing Department because they offer various sizes and would provide a better fit.  Larry also pointed out that in a situation of clean-ups described under the bloodborne standard, the custodial staff use the bloodborne kits that are in place for that reason.


The committee discussed the draft Emergency Procedures Manual moving through the document page by page to edit each section, the name will be changed to Emergency Action Plan as indicated in the 1910.38 OSHA standards.  The department chairs are the night-time administrators.  It was noted that Tom Richard / Residential staff be included in the manual for coverage. There were questions of coverage when we have vacation breaks, holidays and during the summer.  It was suggested that a summer session and/or weekend session be added and to put cell phone listed first for college security.


The members discussed the workplace violence policy and Bill E indicated that the weapons policy is currently under review. When the policy is complete, it will be added to the Appendix list in the plan.


Court and restraining orders should be filed with the Dean of Students and a copy to security, Academic Dean and counseling office.  The court and protective orders should be put together as one. The information should be given to pertinent people, such as, supervisor, teachers, counselors, etc.


There were some changes to the Appendix for policies and Bill E suggested that a statement that indicated that in the absence of any particular policy, the MCCS policies will apply as it would for any community college campus should be added.


We discussed the building evacuations. If someone leaves after an evacuation they should be accounted for.  If they choose to leave, they should notify someone so they don’t assume they are still in the building.

There were no changes to bomb threat policy which was recently updated and approved by the committee earlier.  It will be included in the Emergency Action Plan as stated.


There is a need for an emergency telephone on the 2nd floor. A telephone will be installed in the employee lounge on the 2nd floor.


Last academic year, the Emergency Management Group was approved by the committee, so this will also be placed in the plan as stated.  Other changes were the title Security was to the Director of Finance and their responsibilities.  The Director of Development will be listed in the main group opposed to being in the Ad-hoc group.  The Director of Dining Services will be moved from the main group to the Ad-hoc group.   


The committee edited the plan up to page 22.  Karl will redo the plan reflecting the new changes up to this point in the plan.  Once the editing is done, he will email the new draft copy to all committee members in order for all to be prepared to continue editing the plan in the next upcoming meeting.


The committee ended and will resume activity next month.

Last changed: Nov 07 2008 at 11:26 AM


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