NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


November 15, 2006

Posted by Kim Ferguson (nkfergus) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

Those in attendance

Karl Jackson, Barry Ingraham, Jackie Nadeau, Larry LaPlante, Bob Collins, Colleen Harmon, Tammy Deschesne, Greg Thompson, Shawn Lahey, Betty Kent-Conant, Alan Punches, Brian McDougal, Lori Googins, Bill Egeler


Meeting minutes


  • Location of Defibrillator units
    • Christie Lobby
    • Hallway by Gym
    • Andrews Hall RA Office
    • Another unit will be purchased by Alan Punches and will be located in the Mailman building in the employee lounge area.


  • Review of draft safety program
    • A draft of the newly developed Confined Space Program was presented.  The committee approved the program as received.  It will be placed on the ‘Information for Current Students & Faculty’ page with other safety programs that currently are considered as final documents.  Next program(s) upcoming for committee review are a Hearing Conservation plan as well as a Fire prevention plan which a component of the Emergency Action Plan.
  • Shawn Lahey reviewed the status of the college employee safety training that occurred upon the start of the academic year.  Student workers are approximately 90% completed. Full-time faculty is complete.  Full and part time staff are about 85% complete, supervisors of those non-compliant have been notified.


  • Barry Ingraham provided an update on a visit by Peter Noddin from MMA.  He provided a walk thru of trades area on 03 Nov 06.  He pointed out that a self-closing gate was needed on the mezzanines in Automotive (x2), Autobody (x2) and Diesel. Also a number of the grinders where not adjusted correctly.  Peter will be submitting a report and it will be presented to the committee when it becomes available.


  • Barry/Shawn, MCCS Environmental Health & Safety Advisory Committee meeting on 07 Nov 06 debriefing.  Peter Cook from the DEP commented on environmental issues.  There currently is a RFP to obtain a consultant to review each college and provide information/recommendations accordingly.


  • Pandemic planning & preparation – Bill Egeler mentioned that Linda Mastro has attended a workshop/conference recently on this subject.  The committee will request that Linda attend a meeting to provide information on this subject.  Discussion on this subject will continue at the next meeting.


  • HAZCOM standard on MSDS sheets on purchased materials – It has been mentioned that some employees of the college are purchasing materials and not requesting the MSDS sheet that are needed.  The college has a policy that requires all MSDS sheets are to be obtained before items are purchased.  Supervisors will review this policy with their people to ensure compliance.


  • General Security and Safety will be discussed at the next meeting as more detailed information will be available on the topic at that time.


  • It was mentioned that employees should be afforded the opportunity to obtain a 10 Hour OSHA card. Shawn Lahey will be compiling the data to provide a list of best probable times to conduct this training and bring this information to the next meeting. Karl Jackson has agreed to train the employees that want to take advantage of it.


  • The committee agreed that the next meeting should be in two weeks instead of four due to the semester ending and the holidays coming up.  The next meeting will be on November 29, 2006.


  • Meeting adjourned.

Last changed: Nov 07 2008 at 11:23 AM


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