NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


November 13, 2013

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

The committee moved to accept the October minutes.  In regards to the minutes the committee should follow up on the items that were discussed at the previous meeting.




1)      Old Business


A)    Bureau of Labor Standards – Report needs to be revamped and rewritten and will get it out to Mike LaPlante.  There was a specific certification form that they wanted completed that we didn’t fill out.  Carl will call and let them know they will be receiving it in the mail soon.

B)    Emergency Action Plan

i)              Fire chief was on campus to discuss evacuations

ii)            Training issue with security staff

iii)          Emergency Generator Assistance (diesel)

a)         Store at the fire station so they can use it at other locations

b)         Need to talk about the pros/cons

C)  Respiratory and hearing being taken care by health clinic

D)  Incidents

      i)       Arson Fire Penobscot (under investigation)

               a) Safety protocols – the actions of staff was positive

               b) Communication to security (what numbers should be called – home, cell, etc.)

               c) Inspections need to be up to date in Residential Life

               d) Alarm needs to be installed in Penobscot Hall

               e) Phone calls – if no answer on the first #, call the second #

               f) Smoke detectors weren’t working, need to check and keep up to date

               g) Remove fire extinguishers and put in more accessible location

               h) Bill mentioned when and what supposed to be done during a similar incident

I)       Safety Training

i)              MMA training procedures only five of the approximate 30 have signed off on policies in library

J)  New Business

i)       Speed signs

   a) 243 over 15 mph, 10 over 25 mph, 1 over 30 mph


        b)  Speed concerns in front of Reed Commons (401 over 15 mph, 84 over 25 mph, 24 over 30 mph

        c)  Send out warning on speeding on campus, have security watch out during busy times and get their plates numbers.

d) During fall/spring put out speed bumps

e)  After 3rd violation, take away driving privileges on campus for 7 days

           ii)    Knox boxes to be inspected by PIFD

K)  Other Business

i)  Larry – slip, trip, fall season is coming.  Student injury report can be found on the                            portal.  Risk management will ask of any time loss.

ii)   Student injury occurred in Frank Pytlak’s lab.  The student went to the walk in clinic first then was sent to the emergency room.

iii)    Barry mentioned need to have employees attend slip, trip, fall, back injury, and VDT training through MMA

iv)       A reminder to student to wear appropriate footwear for certain weather.  Put a reminder in the newsletter and on the TV displays

v)         MCCS plans on banning smoking within the next couple years, most campuses are moving forward to a smoke free campus.  Place this subject on agenda for next meeting so our committee can discuss it.

vi)       In the construction area, issues keeping the facility secure.  It’s the contractors responsibility, it will be mentioned during next construction meeting

vii)     Greg mentioned having carbon monoxide detectors in the lab area during construction. Dottie, Carl, Barry will meet to discuss this

viii)   There are some inspection issues with security.  We will need to catch up and break down with 3 security guys for each area.  The inspections will be fire extinguishers and emergency lights.  The new plumber will take over the eye wash stations.

ix)       We will stick with having the committee meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at this time.








Last changed: Dec 13 2013 at 3:34 PM


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