Charge:Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees
We discussed the Respiratory Protection Program and the user seal check procedures.There were a few minor changes to the program. The particle mask doesn’t fall under the program as it is written now. We have one employee, Bob Collins in the Auto Body shop, which is required to use a respirator.Students in this program are also required to use a respirator. A medical evaluation and fit testing is required annually for those in the program.The NMCC Health Center or primary health care provider can conduct the evaluation and Larry LaPlante, Director of Finance, keeps a record that the evaluation was done – not the medical record itself. A motion was accepted to make changes to the language of the program and those recommendations will be made to the written program.
Betty Kent-Conant reported 2 incidents that occurred within the nursing and allied health program during clinical visits. All proper paperwork was completed and are on file in the Nursing Department Chair’s office.
Tom mentioned the incident at Stockton Springs School and that our campus should have policies & procedures developed in case a similar incident occurs.Table talk exercises including the local police department should take place.We should start preparing and incorporating the instant alert system into the process.
Barry and Shawn attended the MCCS Safety Committee via teleconference on November 6th.Derek Langhauser’s office explained the clean government act and what it meant to our system. Southern Maine Community College mentioned the new regulations on blood borne pathogens.David Fitz of Risk Management has a check list that will be shared with us.
Sam Knight from Safety Works will be conducting an inspection on campus on January 27th & 28th.
Larry mentioned that Brian McQuade from the maintenance department & Judy Morin from the custodial department should be part of this committee and all members agreed. Alan will approach them both to see if they are willing to participate.
The Energy Control procedures in the LOTO program will be a topic for next meeting.
Shawn Lahey is willing to be the new chair for this committee. A motion was approved that he will begin chairperson responsibilities as of the next meeting.
The meeting time has been changed to the 2nd Wednesday of every month @ 9 a.m. to avoid conflicting with the Energy Task Force meetings. The next meeting is scheduled for December 10th.