NMCC - Nursing Department

Nursing & Allied Health Department Meeting Minutes

March 5, 2007

Posted by Administrator (admin) on [PUBL_DATE]
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Department items


Spring advisory committee meeting

Students reapplying for fall semester


Department committee reports



Level meetings

Meeting adjourned at 2 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Willette    A coordinator’s meeting was held on March 2. Scheduling for fall was discussed.  We will need to schedule lab time for nursing, EMS, and medical assisting.  Will need a master schedule for both levels and lab practice time scheduled.

Acute care facilities are looking at the JCAHO requirement of having criminal background checks on all students who will be at the clinical sites.  

We have received some new lab equipment.

It was mentioned that we are in need of a new paper shredder.

They are asking for budgets to be submitted earlier this year.

We are in need of blood pressure cuffs for here and for WCCC.  We also need five otoscopes; one for Houlton and one for WCCC.


Betty informed us that the line item for office supplies is in the “red”.

Reminder to select a student from associate degree nursing and EMS to receive achievement awards for 2007.

Discussion on the storm policy for distant educa-tion sites.

Need to look at a time to schedule a meeting.

Four students who were not successful have reapplied.  Betty would like for them to come
in individually and present their “plan” to the faculty. She would like them to all come in the same day.

Betty announced that Lynn Turnbull is now a member of the Maine State Board of Nursing.

Question about the letter to Tim re: distance education.

Program Evaluation – Daryl and Kim are meeting on Friday. Some employer surveys have been returned.


Test Review – Mary plans to contact Peter Miller at Central Maine Medical Center School of Nursing to get information about how the faculty access the LXR Program and how test questions are submitted.

Social Committee – birthday luncheon is sched-uled for April 30 at 11:30.

Betty inquiring if there is an interest in having a potluck at her house on March 17.

SNA – Difficult to have a meeting due to clinical scheduling.

They had a bake sale at the beginning of the semester and will be doing another one on March 15.

Pinning Ceremony – will be held at the Family Christian Center on May 19 at 1 p.m.  Several committees will be formed and all students are expected to sign up.  The students at WCCC are having their own Pinning Ceremony.  Kim has received their checks and forms for their pins, which she will take to the business office.

It was noted that there is more competition in the clinical sites, especially on OB.  This should be addressed at the spring advisory committee meeting.


Will be held after this meeting.     

Background checks will be used as a basis for not accepting students into healthcare programs.  Will need in place for Fall, 2007.

Betty will keep that on the list.

If you are in need of lab supplies, let Betty know within the next two or three weeks.


The class will be taped if the college at the distant site is cancelled due to weather conditions.  

Meeting will be scheduled for April 23, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Date is March 26 in the afternoon.  Will need one faculty member from Level II.

Betty put the counter proposal in Tim’s mailbox on Friday afternoon.  She will be working on the support services piece.


Tentative date for WCCC Pinning Ceremony is May 20.

Betty will meet with Mr. Hinson, the new Director of Nursing at Cary and also with the Director of Nursing at TAMC.



Last changed: Oct 26 2007 at 7:41 PM


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