NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


March 28, 2007

Posted by Kim Ferguson (nkfergus) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>


Those in attendance were:  Tammy Deschesne, Diana Doody, Bill Egeler, Lori Googins, Coleen Harmon,  Barry Ingraham, Karl Jackson, Shawn Lahey, Brian McDougal, Jackie Nadeau, Dr. Punches, Tom Richard,   and Greg Thompson.


Meeting called to order at 3:10 pm.


Greg motioned to accept minutes of February 14, 2007, Karl seconds the motion.


Karl inquires about the fourth defibrillator which is to be placed in Andrew Hall.  Shawn says a requisition has been filled out and a check is waiting to be signed.  Dr. Punches has approved the funds.


Karl inquired where things stand in regards to AED and CPR training.  Lori has spoken with Tim Lowell.  Fifteen mannequins are available.  Training will take 4 hours.  Training can take place in the morning so as to not interfere with classes.  There will be 2 sessions—one for mandatory volunteers and one for faculty.  Training will consist of video and hands on.  Recertification will not take as long.  This is a 2-year certification.  A list needs to be generated by position of who needs the training.  Linda Mastro also teaches this. 


Three sheets are handed out one at a time by Karl


SHEET 1     MSDS Procedure for Handling MSDS and Product Information Sheets


(Number one was edited by Bill and is now to read:  “The master list of MSDS . . .”)


Training issue is number one.  Department chairs, custodial and maintenance, purchasing; these are the ones who move materials.  Train these people first on MSDS procedures.  Deficiencies in training cause deficiencies in the book.  We would like to keep with the thought of one master MSDS book.


Brian moved to accept, Lori second.


SHEET 2    Unsanctioned fire hazard items:


Barry has spoken with the Fire Marshall about fire hazards in the facilities.  A list of items is provided on the sheet.  Tom Richard inquired about the same rules applying to Residential Life facilities.  It was determined that different rules apply to Residential Life facilities.  Tom also mentioned outside sources coming in using a flame for teaching.  These items will be handled individually.


Receptacles need to be looked at and inventoried and made sure they are being properly used.  This topic will be tabled for a later date.


Karl motioned and all accepted.


SHEET 3    Emergency Management Group (EMG)


(In paragraphs 1 and 2, the word “insure” is misspelled.  They will be corrected to read “ensure”.)

Part of an emergency plan is having a group who sets up an Emergency Operations Center to include evacuation routes.  In case of a fire, chemical spill, shooting, etc., this group would set up in a center to take the next step.  The EMG is not finished.  Choosing the group is the first step.  The second step is looking for back-up people to fill in for the primary people.  Two people are still needed to complete the EMG group.  This is a rough draft plan. 


The Emergency Operations Center is the IT office, with the maintenance building being the backup location because of the need for a generator in an event of a power outage.  If the entire campus was required to evacuate and the need for a secondary location arises, the destination would be Skyway middle school.  The means for transportation is still in the planning process.


In the event of an emergency, instructors will stay with students.  Director of Finance is head of Security.  Bill Egeler will be incident commander of the emergency management group.  This is to keep the chain of command short. 


The evacuation maps on classroom doors are not accurate or clear.  Barry indicates they need to be updated.  He is working on updating the maps as well as looking into secondary fire alarms which is another part of the emergency action plan that is being developed.


Coleen expressed concerns about one door being locked to the media center during evening hours.  If an emergency should arise, only one door is available.  Barry advises the center holds less than fifty and that the building code indicates a room needs only one door per fifty bodies.


Tom mentioned extra workshops and training on safety were ongoing due to the concern of an individual who is identified on the Maine Sex Offender website who has moved into our community recently.


Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted,




cc:  President Crowley, Dr. Punches, Dennis Albert, Dan Boyd, Bob Collins, Roger Crouse, Tammy Deschesne, Diana Doody, Dean Duplessis, Bill Egeler, Lori Googins, Colleen Harmon, Barry Ingraham, Karl Jackson, Betty Kent-Conant, Shawn Lahey, Larry LaPlante, Brian McDougal, Sonny Michaud, Jackie Nadeau, Robert Rice, Tom Richard, Greg Thompson.

Last changed: Nov 07 2008 at 11:21 AM


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