NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


March 2, 2011

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

We had a telephone conference with Steve from Lotus Pro to discuss and answer any questions the committee may have about their products.


Q: Does leaving water on the surface kill more bacteria?  A: The longer you leave it on the more bacteria it will kill.


Q: Are there bigger bottles for the smaller system?  A: Those are the biggest bottles for that system.  If bigger bottles are needed, you may need to upgrade to the high capacity system.


Q: Is there a more recent pathogen matrix report?  A: Company can do more research or have a more up-to-date report.  EPA testing with new results in a couple months; it has been 6 years since our last testing was done.


Q: Does it matter what type of cloth is being used?  A: Old towels or microfiber clothes should be used.


Q: What sort of warranty does the system have? A: A standard 1 year warranty, but the company is in the process of increasing it to 3 years in the near future.


Greg and Judy tested the products in the micro biology lab.  The results proved the products work. Pictures of the cultures are available.


Greg mentioned this product sanitizes not disinfects.


The cost for the machine is $250.00 per unit.  6 units will need to be purchased, one for each custodian.  It is $2200.00 for the high capacity unit.  This machine will eliminate all chemicals except for the floor soap.  We can trade the old machine in for a new machine when the time comes. We need to look at the budget and if its cost efficient before purchasing. 


Tim discussed the Policy/Procedure Review.  We need to move forward to hire someone to administer safety issues on a daily basis.  The committee unanimously voted to move this idea forward.


Bob Rice will be training employees for the forklift training.  Rick Taggett and Dennis Dyer will be alternates for the forklift training.


Dave suggested refresher training on the MSDS system. 


Rob – State Health Inspector did an inspection in the kitchen.  The inspection went well but need to order and install a new back flow valve.


Cole – Students were concerned about commuter parking after snow storms. The lots are becoming smaller with limited parking spaces and traffic flow is limited.


Daryl – This weekend Red Cross is offering free CPR & First Aid to the community.


Greg – The Representative from Oxius Environmental for bio hazard waste didn’t show up as scheduled.  


Ron – The key for the forklift will be locked up at all times. Operators must see Bob Rice for the key when needed.


Daryl – The Purell dispensers Dr. Esquibel requested have been ordered and put in place.


Shawn – Dennis Albert was concerned with the blocked entrance from the exercise room to Sheet Metal. Barry will talk with Dennis regarding the issue and why it was done.




The next meeting scheduled in April will be announced.

Last changed: Mar 04 2011 at 1:59 PM


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