NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


March 12, 2008

Posted by Kim Ferguson (nkfergus) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>


March 12, 2008

Continuing Education Conference Room


Attendance:  Karl Jackson, Shawn Lahey, Tim Crowley, Betty Kent-Conant, Tom Richard, Nikki McNally – recorder


Absent:  Barry Ingraham, Bill Egeler, Larry LaPlante, Dave Guerrette, Jackie Nadeau, Roger Crouse, Greg Thompson, Bob Collins, Alan Punches, Bob Rice, Dan Boyd, Dean Duplessis, Dennis Albert, Lori Googins, Sonny Michaud, Brian McDougal


Betty reported a needlestick incident with a student at Calais Regional Hospital.  One of the nursing students sustained a finger stick with a contaminated needle.  They initiated the process of the policy and protocol followed by the hospital and the MCCS policy.  They were given permission to have blood drawn on the patient for HIV testing. Documentation was provided with Linda in the health center. This incident was brought to the committee for their knowledge. Betty keeps a record but it’s not recorded in the colleges’ recordkeeping.  Linda will do all follow-up necessary with the student.


There was an incident at Andrews Hall over the weekend on the death of a student. The faculty was notified via e-mail. Some faculty members were unaware because they didn’t check their email so different notification methods will need to be utilized in the future.  The new emergency action plan was used and went very smoothly with the res life staff, IT staff and others involved. The crisis team were notified and things came together well.


Bill had mentioned before the meeting that some of the telephone numbers need to be corrected for the Emergency Management Team.  Karl will update.


Shawn mentioned using the instant alert for the emergency management team.  Eventually the instant alert will be put into the plan.  Currently, all employees and half of the student’s passwords for the instant alert have been sent out.


Tom mentioned that the fire alarm went off in snow hall. A student burnt popcorn in the microwave. The fire department responded and the evacuation went smoothly. He used this incident as their practice drill.


Tim noted that he was contacted by the city of Presque Isle.  They would like to do a disaster drill and would like to include our campus.   The scenario was to have a school bus roll over.  MSAD #1 will provide the bus.  Betty mentioned that it will be good experience for the Allied Health and EMS students.  It is scheduled to take place in September 2008.  A decision has not yet been made whether to participate or not.


Karl is in the process of completing the fire prevention plan.  There will be a section on the portal to submit fire drills for campus wide. The template will make them all consistent.


Glenn Taggett, our new watch person, still needs some training on reference manuals and where things are, especially at night.  He has completed all the training except blood borne pathogens.  He is in need of a uniform to identify him as a watch person. Also, the security car needs some signage for identification.


Karl mentioned that the committee should begin to conduct annual maintenance on existing health and safety programs that are in place.  The two he mentioned that should be brought forward for the next safety committee meeting is our Energy Control Program (Lockout Tagout), it is required that we review all energy control procedures each year.  Karl agreed to review the procedures in each department and will bring forward to the next safety committee meeting to be approved.  The other program is our Exposure Control Plan (bloodborne).


Barry mentioned that he is working with CES Engineering to develop our Integrated Contingency Plan.  He will meet with them soon and do a walk through.   He asked Karl to participate in the contingency plan to provide documentation.


We are in the process of removing snow off roofs of various buildings on campus.  There is a concern of flood problems this spring once snow starts to melt, especially in the res life area.  We need to be aware that a pay loader is needed to remove snow in order for proper drainage issues.


The committee adjourned and our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 9th @ 9:00 a.m.






Last changed: Nov 07 2008 at 11:29 AM


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