NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


March 11, 2009

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Environmental Health & Safety >>


March 11, 2009

Continuing Education Conference Room


Attendance:  Tim Crowley (phone), Barry Ingraham, Karl Jackson, Betty Kent-Conant, Larry LaPlante, Shawn Lahey, Dave Guerrette, Brian McDougal, Colleen Harmon, Judy Morin, Nikki McNally – recorder


Absent:  Alan Punches, Greg Thompson, Bill Egeler, Tom Richard, Bob Collins, Dennis Albert, Dan Boyd, Dean Duplessis, Bob Rice, Lori Googins, Sonny Michaud


Barry, Shawn, Karl and Dave reviewed the self assessment for the SHAPE program.  The form changed somewhat.  There are now comments with each question.  The form has been filled out again with the comments added, the application is ready for submission.


Questions 21 & 22 were omitted; they did not apply to us.  The last page is the scoring system.  The hazardous prevention control is low because of questions 21 & 22 that didn’t apply. 


The sub-committee met and brainstormed about the MSDS process.  Barry presented a power point on an NMCC Electronic MSDS System.  He discussed the following:

-          Issues with the current system

§  Master binder isn’t organized

§  Chemicals are being purchased and MSDS sheets are not acquired at time of purchase

-          Solutions with the current system

§  Install new system

§  Revoke purchasing privileges until employees are properly trained

§  Train employees on new MSDS system

-          Technology

§  The central point for MSDS will be the IT office

§  We will replace MSDS books with 25 mini notebooks including a master MSDS database for backup

§  Mini notebooks will print to central network printer and has a battery backup of 30 minutes or more


The database will have a search engine with a list of chemicals.  Also, pictures will be available to match the chemical.   The paper copies can be filed electronically.  The standards still require a paper copy of the MSDS.  The locations of the mini computers will include:  Andrews hall, auto body, mailman trades building, snow hall, maintenance, Christie building shops/labs.  Offices will group together and share minicomputer located nearest to their work area.  There will be access to the MSDS sheets on the portal.  The cost of the notebooks is between $250-270 each with a total of $7,000.  We may be able to get some help through MMA – Larry will check on it.  Also, Dave has contacted Safety Works to confirm its okay to use this new system.


We need to look at the health center and dining commons MSDS sheets and whether they get their products through NMCC.


Dave mentioned that the dept. of transportation has an electronic MSDS system and will speak with them to get information of the system and how it has been working for them. 


Larry noted that there were a lot of reports of slips and falls last Friday, during the rain/ice storm.  A report was sent to risk management.


The next meeting is scheduled for April 8th.

Last changed: Mar 20 2009 at 2:17 PM


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