NMCC - Retention Committee

Retention Committee

Chair:  Johna Lovely

Norma Smith,  Sue Dugal, Johna Lovely,  William Egeler, Jennifer Graham, Lynne Nelson-Manion, Sue Bernard, Wayne Kilcollins, Eric Pelkey, Laura McPherson


The campus retention committee reviews data from across the campus including external indicators such as the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) and Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and from other sources with a focus on increasing student persistence and graduation. Recommendations for policy and other changes are made to the appropriate department, division and/or campus senior management as appropriate.

January 26, 2012

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Retention Committee >>

Meeting held on January 26, 2012 from 3-4 in the library conference room B.

Gail started the meeting by having everyone introduce themselves.

Gail introduced the PTK guests Michelle Longley and Jonathan Post.

Jonathan informed the committee on the ‘Connect to Complete’ PTK project which involves peer mentoring.  Their most recent game night event involved 70 students, staff and faculty.  A survey they took found students liked doing activities with faculty.  Jonathan felt the peer mentoring kickoff flopped but the game night social was a success.

Michelle informed the committee on the ‘Commit to Complete’ PTK project which involves developing a contract/pledge that students, staff, and faculty would sign to promote staying in college and graduating.   Ideas being developed involve sponsoring a Commit to Complete Scholarship given the final semester, purposeful events such as having a day where those with degrees wear their graduation gown,  game night March 7th before job fair on March 8th, a luncheon / watermelon day for students with a large public signing wall for those making a commitment to complete their degree.   Michelle also suggested fund raising ideas for the scholar that may involve the Wii game night or purchasing balloons with inspirational sayings or prizes.
Gail passed out a PTK College Completion document found on the Internet and Norma presented PTK with a list of items she had as suggestions for the pledge document.  The PTK members will submit to Gail a booklet they have developed to later share with the Retention committee.

Gail presented the committee with the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory results to look over and discuss at our next meeting.   A brief discussion followed on some difficult issues such as need for day care for students.  Developing and providing a document at student orientation on available local options for day care and off campus funding programs would help students to be aware of what is available to them locally off campus.

Dick initiated a brief discussion of the availability of emergency funds to meet the needs of our students in the form of a grant or loan.  Norma indicated that the financial aid office in student services is the resource for students on campus.   Dick shared knowing of several students who did not have money for textbooks, others that have called in to tell that they didn’t have gas money for their vehicle to get to school.  Sue shared of knowing of students that needed school supplies, uniforms and even funds to heat their home.  It was recommended that a booklet be put out by the financial aid office in student services and made available to faculty and students to assist with identifying emergency aid to students.  It was even suggested that the NMCC Foundation be contacted to see if a Benefactors group can be established to provide emergency funds to needy students so that they may be able to stay in school when having financial emergencies.

Gail updated the committee on the reading programs (Common Reads) being initiated by the library to promote recreational reading on campus.  The programs appear to be increasing interest among the campus community.

Our next committee meeting will be Thursday March 8th at 3 pm in the library.

Meeting adjourned at 3:55 pm

Last changed: Jan 30 2012 at 4:13 PM


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