Assessment Committee
Chairs: Heidi Broad-Smith, Jan Greico
Brian McDougal, Ron Fitzgerald (Ex Officio), Tammy Nelson, Susan Dugal, Jan Greico, David Raymond, Brian McDougal,
Heidi Broad-Smith, Laura McPherson, Jennifer Graham, Colleen Harmon, Bill Egeler (Ex Officio)
Charge: The charge of this committee is to develop and implement a comprehensive assessment plan for determining institutional effectiveness. The committee will examine existing assessment practices and strategies, and will explore, propose, implement and analyze new ones. A primary function of this committee is to communicate ongoing and proposed assessment activities to the campus community
January 26, 2007 |
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Assessment >> |
Guest: Dan Hotham
Called to order at 0803
Dan Hotham: Dan presented a summary document of the assessment data he gathered for CCSSE. It is the goal of this committee to begin to look at the data in terms of ‘what we value’. The information provided by Dan will help guide decisions and plan implementation made by the committee. Dan reviewed the summary sheet and 5 major topics areas (Active learning, student effort, academic challenge, student faculty interaction support for learners). Dan also presented a miscellaneous list of bullet items that relate to important life long skills we may want to evaluate. Action: Informational- In the coming weeks, we can begin to look at areas we want to address.
Communication/Writing: This is the general education outcome issue selected by the assessment committee to address first as a major area of analysis and improvement. Several data sources have indicated that this has been an issue for some of our graduates, yet is something that is highly valued. The following actions were discussed, and a specific work plan for implementation for each item will be developed in the coming weeks.
Common finals for ENG 111- R. Fitzgerald and the English department will continue their work on developing a common final exam for ENG 111. Ideally, this final will utilize a national writing sample, to allow for comparison of our student results with a national standard. The English department anticipates doing a pilot project this semester.
Implementation of a standardized grading rubric across the curriculum- D. Hotham shared the ENG 111 competencies, and will provide a final paper grading rubric. The idea is that a similar rubric could be used to assess papers in all courses (including non-English courses), so that writing skills /communication are seen as important competencies for NMCC graduates.
Minimum grading/passing requirements: Discussion occurred regarding students not completing assignments, and not striving for high grades in ENG 111 courses. Examples included not completing research papers, being willing to accept a D as a grade rather than revising papers, etc. The English department will discuss the possibility of making the research paper mandatory, and this committee will begin discussions about perhaps requiring ENG 111 to have a minimum grade of C.
Accuplacer/ writing sample on admission: Currently, writing samples are not utilized in the admission process. Members discussed how such a sample would be useful in not only placing students in the appropriate level English course, but also do demonstrate improvement in writing skills as students progress through their program of study.
Program integration of writing / curriculum mapping: The committee discussed in the last meeting the need to complete a curriculum map for each program to identify where writing and communication are included. Some of this work is being completed by the AAS committee and the department chairs. This may also involve an analysis of current course syllabi.
End competency/ standardized testing- Comparing to nationally standardized norms continues to be a goal for measurement of general education competencies. Members preferred using a writing sample, rather than a multiple choice standard test to measure this competency. Both the CAAP and MAPP tests will accomplish this. Daryl will work with Alan to order a product and the committee will begin to develop a plan for implementation at the next meeting.
Membership: The committee continues to lack membership from Business Technology, which may be a concern as we begin to looks at standard outcomes and implementation of portions of the plan (i.e. grading rubric). Daryl will meet with Dwight to see if someone might be interested.
Committee progress- Daryl has begun work on developing a document that integrates all of the data collection activities that are occurring on campus, as well as the action plans associated with those activities. These include the SPC SWOT analysis, the notes from the AAS task force, Dan’s work on student engagement, the student satisfaction work on the SSI instrument, as well as the individual department action plans. Each of these items fits nicely into the NMCC Assessment Committee plan.
Meeting times: We will continue to meet on Friday mornings, as this appears to be a good time to get involvement. The next meeting will be on February 9th, at 8 am in the 3rd floor conference room.
Respectfully submitted,
Daryl Boucher Last changed: Mar 14 2007 at 8:35 AM