NMCC - Assessment

Assessment Committee

Chairs:          Heidi Broad-Smith, Jan Greico


Brian McDougal, Ron Fitzgerald
(Ex Officio), Tammy Nelson, Susan Dugal, Jan Greico, David Raymond, Brian McDougal,
Heidi Broad-Smith, Laura McPherson, Jennifer Graham, Colleen Harmon, Bill Egeler (Ex Officio)

Charge: The charge of this committee is to develop and implement a comprehensive assessment plan for determining institutional effectiveness.  The committee will examine existing assessment practices and strategies, and will explore, propose, implement and analyze new ones.  A primary function of this committee is to communicate ongoing and proposed assessment activities to the campus community


Five Year Cycle for Program and Institutional Assessment

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Assessment >>


Year 1 (2008-2009)

        ·            Research and examine various internal assessment methods to evaluate program and institutional effectiveness.

        ·            Educate Assessment Committee members on process, analysis and outcomes of internal assessment.

        ·            Collect and correlate Mission Statements from all programs and departments.

        ·            Narrative report written

Year 2 (2009-2010) Write a Davis Family Foundation grant for assessment costs.

        ·            Map curriculum (courses) to program outcomes for three programs: Arts and Sciences (which will incorporate assessment of the General Education Core), Precision Metals, and Accounting Information Systems.

        ·            Evaluate outcomes and course alignment

        ·            Develop rubrics for competency levels for all courses in the three programs above. (Three levels: introduction, reinforcement, competency)

        ·            Develop common assessment tools for each program to measure student competency. Identify artifacts to be collected and evaluation schedule.

        ·            Collect random samples of 20% of students for each course.

        ·            Map and align program outcomes to institutional mission, outcomes and definition of an educated person.

        ·            Analyze assessment data against Bloom’s taxonomy which most New England institutions are using as a benchmark for educational effectiveness.

        ·            Produce assessment summary report for the entire college, including findings of assessment, and a recommended action plan for Year Three, built on the results of Year Two findings.

Year 3 (2010-2011

        ·            Present previous year’s work and Year Three action plan to the entire college community.

        ·            Continue Curriculum Mapping (courses) to program outcomes for remaining programs, evaluating outcomes and course alignment.

        ·            Select three programs per semester to evaluate.

        ·            Develop rubrics for competency levels for all courses in the three programs above. (Three levels: introduction, reinforcement, competency)

        ·            Develop common assignment tools for each program to measure student competency. Identify artifacts to be collected and evaluation schedule.

        ·            Collect random samples of 20% of students for each course.

        ·            Map and align program outcomes to institutional mission, outcomes and definition of an educated person.

        ·            Analyze assessment data against Bloom’s taxonomy which most New England institutions are using as a benchmark for educational effectiveness.

        ·            Produce assessment summary report for the entire college, including findings of assessment, and a recommended action plan for Year Four, built on the results of Year Three findings.

Year 4 2011-2012

        ·            Present previous year’s work and Year Four action plan to the entire college community.

        ·            Select three programs per semester to evaluate.

        ·            Develop rubrics for competency levels for all courses in the three programs above. (Three levels: introduction, reinforcement, competency)

        ·            Develop common assignment tools for each program to measure student competency. Identify artifacts to be collected and evaluation schedule.

        ·            Collect random samples of 20% of students for each course.

        ·            Map and align program outcomes to institutional mission, outcomes and definition of an educated person.

        ·            Analyze assessment data against Bloom’s taxonomy which most New England institutions are using as a benchmark for educational effectiveness.

        ·            Produce assessment summary report for the entire college, including findings of assessment, and a recommended action plan for Year Five, built on the results of Year Four findings.

Year 5 2012-2013

        ·            Present previous year’s work and Year Five action plan to the entire college community.

        ·            Select three programs per semester to evaluate.

        ·            Develop rubrics for competency levels for all courses in the three programs above. (Three levels: introduction, reinforcement, competency)

        ·            Develop common assignment tools for each program to measure student competency. Identify artifacts to be collected and evaluation schedule.

        ·            Collect random samples of 20% of students for each course.

        ·            Map and align program outcomes to institutional mission, outcomes and definition of an educated person.

        ·            Analyze assessment data against Bloom’s taxonomy which most New England institutions are using as a benchmark for educational effectiveness.

        ·            Produce assessment summary report for the entire college, including findings of assessment, and a recommended action plan for Year Five, built on the results of Year Four findings.

        ·            Full assessment and review of previous actions. Analyze and fine-tune previous years work, and establish schedule and activities for next five-year cycle.


Last changed: Apr 07 2010 at 10:51 AM


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