NMCC - Student Satisfaction

Student Satisfaction

Chair:         Gail Roy

Members:    Bill Egeler, Alan St. Peter, Norma Smith, Dennis Albert, Paula Flora, Johna Lovely,
                 Dick Duplessis, Nancy Cowett, Shelli Cronkhite

Student Satisfaction Committee:  Composed of members from all departments/areas of the college and a minimum of two students, this committee focuses on students’ satisfaction with their total college experience.  An annual satisfaction assessment utilizing the Student Satisfactory Inventory™ is conducted and analyzed by the committee with the follow-up data collection and assessment completed as necessary.  The committee is responsible for receiving and sharing input from and with all campus sectors and for making recommendations for improvement to the college president.  The committee will work closely with campus MIS staff to monitor campus retention efforts as outlined in the MCCS retention benchmarking report and to coordinate campus-based retention activities.  Committee assignments shall be for a period of no shorter than 2 years (students excepted) due to the volume and complexity of data to be acted upon.  This committee will utilize a discrepancy-based decision making model as its action philosophy and, due to the process nature of the committee’s focus, will seek consensus versus majority rule.  The dean of students will act a the committee liaison to the management team.

February 9, 2009

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Student Satisfaction >>

Student Satisfaction Committee

Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2009

12:00 – 1:00

E. Perrin Edmunds Library



Bill Egeler, Paula Flora, Gail Roy, Norma Smith, Alan Punches, Sonja Fongemie


Absent: Dennis Albert, , Alan St. Peter, Dan Hotham, Johna Lovely, Nancy Cowett. Dick Duplessis, Shelli Cronkhite


Excused: Laura McPherson


I.              Meeting opened by Gail Roy and minutes were reviewed.  Paula made a motion to accept the minutes.  Committee members approved.


II.           Bill announced that this is the fourth consecutive year that the CCSSE has been administered and that Sonja had agreed to coordinate the administration of the CCSSE this year.  The survey is randomized and CCSSE selects students and classes.  NMCC submitted 191 and out of those, CCSSE selected  61 classes where the survey will be administered.

Letters will be sent announcing the survey and providing information about the importance of participation.    Committee members will all participate in administering the surveys.  Sonja will coordinate with the college community and work to ensure streamlining of this process.   Bill noted that the survey system has gone to an alternate year format with only one test being administered in a given year. 


III.          Sonja indicated that she had sorted the classroom data into several lists and shared the lists with members of the committee.   Sorting was done by instructor, meeting days of the week, and class time of day.  From the 191 classes submitted for consideration for the survey, CCSSE selected 63.  Four of these are off campus in Houlton.  Sixteen of these meet at 5 pm or later.


Sonja outlined the survey time frame and process.  President Crowley recently sent out a memo to the campus community announcing the survey.  The next communication will be from Bill to the faculty.  Finally a memo to students and student leaders will be sent prior to the survey.  Sonja asked for volunteers to administer the surveys.  Committee members present agreed to assist in the process.    The survey is expected to begin on or around March 2nd  and continue throughout the semester.  CCSSE will send the surveys and it usually takes 2 weeks from the request date.


Alan invited Sonja to attend a Department Chair meeting on Wed., February 11th to share this information and to solicit volunteers from faculty.







IV.           At the previous meeting Laura had made the recommendation to update faculty pages to include bios and other information that would be relevant to students and would be especially useful to those students wishing to connect with their advisors.   

Bill suggested that we review other college pages and select examples to be shared at the next meeting. He also suggested a template format that would be easily updated.  Gail offered to collect sample faculty directory pages from other colleges.   Paula offered to do a sample listing as a nursing faculty member. 

Norma suggested that it might be very useful to put a link to the faculty profile directly on the portal page for each student.  Every student would then have an advisor link on their page that would give them direct access to their advisor information.  Everyone agreed that this was an excellent idea and worth further investigation,  The IT department will be included in future discussions. Alan suggested also including Jason Parent, Karen Gonya, and Joyce Campbell in the discussion of faculty bio pages.




The meeting adjourned at 12:50.


The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 24th, 12:00 – 1:00 in the Academic Success Center. 




Respectfully submitted,


Gail Roy


February 9, 2009

Last changed: Mar 11 2009 at 3:02 PM


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