Environmental Health & Safety Minutes:
SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING February 6, 2008 Continuing Education Conference Room Attendance: Karl Jackson, Barry Ingraham, Shawn Lahey, Bill Egeler, Tom Richard, Betty Kent-Conant, Brian McDougal, Larry LaPlante, Nikki McNally – recorder Absent: Dave Guerrette, Jackie Nadeau, Roger Crouse, Greg Thompson, Bob Collins, Tim Crowley, Alan Punches, Bob Rice, Dan Boyd, Dean Duplessis, Dennis Albert, Lori Googins, Sonny Michaud Betty mentioned 2 separate incidents that happened in the skills lab. One of the 1st year nursing students stuck a sterile needle in their finger. It was disposed of after the incident. Also, an Larry mentioned that there is the OSHA 300 report on the bulletin board and online to the Bureau Labor Statistics. Karl noted that he made changes to the Emergency Action Plan since our last meeting. Security and night administrators should be aware of any emergencies. The night administers have been assigned a cell phone in case of emergencies. The cell phone number has been added in the Emergency Action Plan under emergency contacts. Brian questioned if a teacher suspects that a student has a serious illness or disease what is the protocol. Bill says that the students have the right to privacy. If there is a serious issue it should be brought to Dean of Students and he can recommend the student be excluded from school due to a threat to other students. Larry brought suggested that the last sentence of section E on page 8 be removed. The committee had a discussion on conducting training on the Evacutrack system. The first wave of training will be with volunteers. A motion to approve the draft Emergency Action Plan with newly recommended changes. It was approved. The committee adjourned and our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 12th. We will be discussing updating existing plans that require annual review such as the Energy Control Plan and Exposure Control Plan. Last changed: Nov 07 2008 at 11:28 AM Back |