NMCC - Nursing Department

Nursing & Allied Health Department Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2007

Posted by Administrator (admin) on [PUBL_DATE]
Nursing Department >>

            Topic                                                        Discussion                                                             Decision




Department items















































Department committee reports













































Graduation Request Forms






Level meetings




Compensation for distance education








Meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Marilyn Willette

Discussion about meetings Betty has had with human resources personnel from the acute care facilities regarding student criminal background checks.  This would be a requirement for students and faculty, based upon a new JCAHO Standard for hospitals; will need something in place for Fall, 2007.


Betty and the coordinators will look at the fall semester schedule.


Facility master orientation checklist--if you have any orientation topics, let Betty know.


There will be a meeting with Level II faculty and Daryl on February 12 regarding fall teaching projects.  Cary Medical Center would like to incorporate the teaching projects with a health fair.


Lab equipment--Mary mentioned that we are in need of new teaching stethoscopes.


Discussion about the IV Lab Kit which is required for Level II students to purchase.  The equipment is not always up-to-date.  It was suggested that perhaps we could order the equipment and put in the bookstore for students to purchase.  Kim mentioned that we also need two otoscopes for the lab.


Student issues--Betty will be meeting with a Level I student tomorrow at 2 p.m.  Individual is making inappropriate remarks both in class and clinical areas.


Paula has failed a Level II student in clinical. Student has issues with time management and being late as well as not meeting the clinical objectives of the program.


One student in Level I is taking a medical leave.


Betty would like faculty to plan ahead; have a plan in place for students in the event they are out sick and cannot go to clinical.


Curriculum – still working on the AV holdings; have over 140 to review.


Discussion regarding the re-sequencing of some general education courses--PHE 124 and MAT 125.  It was suggested that they could be completed any time prior to the 4th semester. Need to vote on this.




It was noted that some of the course numbers for the nursing courses in the course catalogue are not correct.


Program Evaluation--they are at a stand still.


Test Review – they need to meet. Level I still plan to do the co-op testing.


An item for the test review committee to discuss is whether the co-op testing is effective?


Social committee – Discussion on what we should do, as a department, in memory of a former nursing instructor.


Birthday luncheon is scheduled for April 30 at 11:30.


Discussion about a potluck at Betty’s on February 24 or March 3.


SNA – they haven’t had a meeting.


Pinning--the class has voted on a chairperson; Kim will meet with her this week.  Instead of having all of the food they usually have; they may just have cake, tea and coffee.


WCCC students have opted to have their own Pinning Ceremony on Sunday after graduation.




Betty informed Shirley that forms will be mailed down and that each student needs to complete one.  Everything on the forms needs to be filled in.



Level I met this morning; Level II will meet this afternoon.



Betty inquiring as to how the faculty wishes to approach the follow-up from Tim’s proposal.

Much discussion followed and there was faculty consensus to be communicated to the President as a counter proposal.



Betty will keep us apprised














Great interest in pursuing this.  Level II faculty could meet with Bill Flagg tentatively on February 26.




Complete a requisition.



Betty would like Paula to work with Mary and Sue and come up with a list of items and prices.

























Everyone in agreement that these

two courses be completed prior to

4th semester.  This will need to be pre-sented at the college curriculum meeting and student services.  Also,

will need to be changed in the course catalogue.


Betty will correct these as part of the annual review of catalogue informa-tion.




Meeting was scheduled for February 12 at 1 p.m.





It was decided to take up a collection and donate a book to the library.
















Daryl will meet with Betty and Kim before he goes to WCCC on February 16; he will discuss the Pinning Ceremony with Shirley.












Betty will do a counter proposal and include in it that it needs to be taken care of this semester since discussion began in the fall semester.

Last changed: Oct 26 2007 at 7:41 PM


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