NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


February 4, 2009

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Environmental Health & Safety >>


February 4, 2009

Continuing Education Conference Room


Attendance:  Tim Crowley, Barry Ingraham, Bill Egeler, Karl Jackson, Greg Thompson, Alan Punches, Brian McDougal, Betty Kent-Conant, Larry LaPlante, Shawn Lahey, Dave Guerrette, Judy Morin, Nikki McNally – recorder


Absent:  Tom Richard, Colleen Harmon, Bob Collins, Dennis Albert, Dan Boyd, Dean Duplessis, Bob Rice, Lori Googins, Sonny Michaud


We recently received the action plan from Peter Noddin, of MMA, referencing his visit to the campus on October 22nd.  As of January 23rd the items on the action plan have been corrected.  The most problematic area was the use and maintenance of grinders. It was determined that employees using the grinders should have more training so they are aware of the regulations and safety precautions.  Karl is in the process of putting together a short program for this. Some other issues were: 


-          Egress paths not being clear according to standard

-          fall hazard (ladder gate was out of place)

-          fire hazard in auto body

-          compressed gas cylinders being freestanding

-          material in front of an electrical panel

-          hoist chain hooks in diesel shop (Brian McDougal bought new chain & hook from manufacturer).  If it breaks an out of service sign should be placed.

-          Housekeeping of the welding stock metal storage area


The previous visit from MMA was November 2007 and some items on the recent report were noticed and mentioned again. Those items have also been corrected as of January 23rd.


Sam Knight from SafetyWorks conducted a walk-through inspection consultation on January 27th.  Sam was pleased with the programs overall and found minor items during the visit.  Some of the areas that were mentioned include:


-          A signature page needs to be added to the Lockout/Tagout program.   

-          Authorized Lockout/Tagout training/retraining needs to be done. 

-          Confined spaces policy needs to state clearly that the policy is “do not enter” versus the current wording.   

-          It was noted that the records were kept up to date and easily accessible. 

-          There was a missing Arc-flash label on the electrical panel in Room 105. 

-          The custodial closet near the gym has respirators that need to be discarded.  We need to take a look at the respiratory program again.  Also, stripper was stored in the closet.  We need to discard it if not being used.  Before discarding the stripper look at the MSDS sheet to see how to dispose of it.  Larry mentioned putting a label on the product when last used. 

-          In the auto collision shop there was a product with a label partly covering another label.  Secondary labeling issue, we need to be sure labels completely cover other labels when transferring containers. 

-          Grinders were an issue, not being properly maintained.

-          Emergency lighting needs to be looked at, some bulbs are not working or there is a problem with the unit.

-          MSDS availability and awareness were a major concern, the committee will need to work on this as soon as possible.


Sam also suggested that we apply for the Maine Department of Labor’s SHAPE program.  The SHAPE program is a safety and health award for employers in the public sector.  A self assessment will need to be filled out as part of the application process.  Shawn, Barry, Dave and Karl will compose a draft and bring it back to the committee.  Additionally, the campus should be aware that we are applying for this program and will be notified of our intent to apply if the committee determines that it is feasible to invest the time and resources into gaining SHAPE status.  It’s a step in the right direction and we would benefit from this program in multiple areas, being the only higher education institution in the state to receive the award.


The next meeting is scheduled for February 25th at 9:00 a.m. in the CED conference room.

Last changed: Mar 20 2009 at 2:17 PM


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