NMCC - Student Satisfaction

Student Satisfaction

Chair:         Gail Roy

Members:    Bill Egeler, Alan St. Peter, Norma Smith, Dennis Albert, Paula Flora, Johna Lovely,
                 Dick Duplessis, Nancy Cowett, Shelli Cronkhite

Student Satisfaction Committee:  Composed of members from all departments/areas of the college and a minimum of two students, this committee focuses on students’ satisfaction with their total college experience.  An annual satisfaction assessment utilizing the Student Satisfactory Inventory™ is conducted and analyzed by the committee with the follow-up data collection and assessment completed as necessary.  The committee is responsible for receiving and sharing input from and with all campus sectors and for making recommendations for improvement to the college president.  The committee will work closely with campus MIS staff to monitor campus retention efforts as outlined in the MCCS retention benchmarking report and to coordinate campus-based retention activities.  Committee assignments shall be for a period of no shorter than 2 years (students excepted) due to the volume and complexity of data to be acted upon.  This committee will utilize a discrepancy-based decision making model as its action philosophy and, due to the process nature of the committee’s focus, will seek consensus versus majority rule.  The dean of students will act a the committee liaison to the management team.

February 24, 2009

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Student Satisfaction >>

Student Satisfaction Committee

Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2009


Members Present:  Gail Roy, Laura McPherson, Johna Lovely, Shelli Cronkhite, Norma Smith, Guest: Sonja Fongemie


Members Absent: Bill Egeler, Dennis Albert, Dick Duplessis, Alan Punches, Alan St. Peter, Paula Flora, Dan Hotham, Nancy Cowett



I.             Gail distributed sample “faculty pages’” from several other colleges and universities.  Discussion followed about what NMCC’s faculty pages might look like and how they might be linked to the Portal.  Discussion continued about who would set up, edit and maintain the pages.  Gail and Laura agreed to contact IT about getting this up and running for our campus.


II.           The committee reviewed the list of challenges identified on the SSI and chose item #25 “My academic advisor is concerned about my success as an individual”, as an area to address.  Discussion followed about ways in which advisors/students might have more interaction: faculty web pages (see discussion above); advisor/student meeting during orientation (Shelli and Johna will talk with Tammy Nelson about this); advisor training (Laura has a website) and/or faculty sharing of best practices with regard to advising.


III.         Sonja gave an update on the 2009 CCSSE.  The materials have arrived and the administration is scheduled between March 2 – 20.  Faculty, staff and students have been informed of the survey and encouraged to participate.  Norma Smith, Gail Roy and Paula Flora have agreed to assist Sonja with the administration of the CCSSEE.  The evening administrators will coordinate the CCSSE administration for the evening classes.


IV.          The next meeting will be held in the Academic Success Center at 12 noon on Tuesday, March 24th.  Meeting adjourned 12:50 p.m.


                Minutes by S. Cronkhite


Last changed: Mar 11 2009 at 3:03 PM


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