NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


February 14, 2007

Posted by Kim Ferguson (nkfergus) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>


Those in attendance were:  Karl Jackson, Greg Thompson, Tom Richard, Diana Doody, Barry Ingraham, Brian McDougal, Lori Googins, and Shawn Lahey.


Meeting called to order at 3:10 pm.


An Agenda was handed out as well as The Hazard Communication Standard.


Item 1—Defibrillators have been placed around campus; one in the Christie Lobby, one in the hallway by the gymnasium, and one in the Mailman building by the office.  The final defibrillator will be placed in Andrews Hall shortly.  Labels will be placed on the boxes enclosing the defibrillators indicating where the nearest phone can be found.


There is an alarm in each box that can only be heard within earshot.  A key inside the box will turn off the alarm.  Shawn will do the training for the defibrillators.  Tom Richard indicates that all on his staff is presently trained. 


One concern about the defibrillator boxes, especially the one by the gymnasium, it provides easy access but it also provides the opportunity for the units to be misused or stolen.  NMCC is covered liability wise, but concern for student safety remains an issue.  If monies are available, the possibility of a camera may be a solution.


Item 2—AED Training.  Shawn reports he has been in touch with Tim Lowell and that an AED/CPR Heart Saver Course is in the works.  There will be 12 people per session and the cost will be $1 per card.  The training will be broken down into two groups:  mandatory volunteers and volunteers.  Coaches and security would fall under mandatory volunteers.  Lori Googins will be in charge of the training.


Item 3—MSDS Hazard Communication Standard.  The MSDS books needed to be updated.  Dave Guerrette was working on this before he left for Iraq.  Shawn and Karl are currently working on this.  One aspect of keeping the MSDS book updated is trying to enforce that all required MSDS sheets are provided with all purchasing activity.  It was discussed that one person be in charge of purchasing, but later dismissed due to the fact that the volume of paperwork would bog down the purchasing process.


It was decided that there is to be one campus-wide master MSDS book required by the HAZCOM standard.  Each department chair will have a secondary MSDS book for their individual department which will hold MSDS sheets only for their department.  The department chair is to be held responsible to be sure that a MSDS on purchased materials is forwarded to be included in the master MSDS book.





Extensive training will be done.  Training will include issues such as bringing items onto campus without the MSDS sheets; items purchased to be used once, such as a can of orange paint, which is then stored for use at a later date, etc.  A procedural/protocol will be developed for the next academic year.  It is vital that we start with a procedure of how to maintain/update MSDS books of materials of what we already have and then proceed from that point.


Item 4—Carol Bell from ACAP was to have spoken at the meeting today on a smoking program to be integrated into the curriculum.  Carol is involved with “Windfall Taskforce”.  Lori Googins reports that she covers smoking in her program.  Discussion was tabled until a later date.


Item 5—Update on MMA.  Barry reports that most of the safety violations found by Peter Noddin on November 3, 2006, have been corrected and sent back to MMA.


Emergency evacuation maps need updating as does the numbering systems on doors.  Evacuation drills will happen each semester.  Barry is working with the Fire Chief on the possibility that a secondary alarm system may be needed.


Item 5—Lights are being turned off and buildings are being locked up too early.  Husson College has classes that do not end until 10 pm.  Lights should be kept on until then and doors kept unlocked.  It was suggested that the college look into exit lighting; motion sensored lighting; egress lighting.  Security will be advised about locking down the buildings too early.


Meeting adjourned at 4:15 pm.



cc:  President Crowley, Dr. Punches, Dennis Albert, Dan Boyd, Bob Collins, Roger Crouse, Tammy Deschesne, Diana Doody, Dean Duplessis, Bill Egeler, Lori Googins, Colleen Harmon, Barry Ingraham, Karl Jackson, Betty Kent-Conant, Shawn Lahey, Larry Laplant, Brian McDougal, Sonny Michaud, Jackie Nadeau, Robert Rice, Tom Richard, Greg Thompson.

Last changed: Nov 07 2008 at 11:19 AM


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