NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


February 12, 2014

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

Dottie questioned 2 ii under New Business.  She wanted an example of an unofficial policy.  Carl mentioned welding which has a hot work permit but no official policy to go with it. Plans can be approved by the committee but policies are approved by the management team.  The committee moved to accept the January minutes as corrected.  In regards to the minutes the committee should follow up on the items that were discussed at the previous meeting.


1)      Old Business


A)    Safety Training

i)    Updating training records.  Going to facilitate a separate training for work study          students and lab assistants 2 weeks after school starts.

     ii)   Bureau of Labor Standards

           a)   SHAPE Program – The 3 day inspection will be held April 16, 17, and 18.                                           Sam Knight will be performing the inspection. The 1st day will mainly pertain to                                        paperwork.  The 2nd day will be the inspection and the 3rd day will be follow up.                                        The trade and tech instructors should be informed of the inspection so they are                                          prepared.  Old documents should be reviewed and look at audit to see if we were                                      in compliance.  Sam really focuses on the auto body shop.

           b)   Policy Review

·         Bloodborne Pathogens

i)        Page 4 – Employee Exposure Determination

a.    Exposure Level I, II, and III do not match up with the risks, needs to be reverse or remove the chart altogether

ii)      Page 6, 2nd bullet – Washing hands

a.       Change the wording

iii)    Page 9

a.       Washing Lab Coats and Gowns, 4th paragraph - Nursing and Allied Health is responsible for washing their lab coats and gowns and all other departments are responsible for their own.

b.      Regulated Waste Management, 1st paragraph – Doesn’t need to be color coded, make sure sticker is on container.

c.       Contaminated Sharps Disposal, 2nd paragraph – Add the word “and” after arrangements

iv)    Page 10, 1st paragraph – Add the word “and” after color

v)      Page 13, Training Records – Should Director of Finance be changed to       Human Resources? Will not make a change until adjustments are made on         where the records will be maintained.

vi)    Once Committee agrees to policy change the draft will be brought to the    president’s cabinet to change the policy.

vii)  Change the name of Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan to          Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Policy.

·         Confined Spaces

i)        Page 1, 1st paragraph – Policy

a.       Insert a period after the word “identified” and delete the word “and”

b.      Identify each building

·         Emergency Action Plan – We will come back to the committee on this

·         Fire Prevention Plan

i)        Page 3, II – Background

a.       Add the word “students” in the 1st sentence

b.      1st paragraph, last sentence – delete the word “location”

ii)      Page 7, F – Smoking

a.       Change to non-smoking campus

iii)    Page 12, Appendix D

a.       Last sentence in parenthesis needs to be deleted

iv)    Change the title Director of Facilities to Director of Physical Plant & Technology


B)    Incidents

i)        Custodial – minor back injury

ii)      Air quality in Pam Buck’s office in Mailman Building.  Carl put in a sampling tube that shows if there is exposure.  The ventilation system in that area needs to be adjusted.  Pam will meet with Barry to discuss this.


2)      New Business


      Hazard Assessment Review

A)    LOTO Authorized Personnel inspections – Barry or Carl are authorized to do inspections.

B)    Safety Symposium – March 31, April 1 & 2 – Carl will be sending out a brochure.

C)    Injury Form – Fill out incident form instead of report of student injury if it’s an incident and not an injury/illness.  Forms need to be reviewed, it doesn’t indicate where to turn the form into. Carl will review safety forms and discuss it at the next meeting.

D)    Ban Smoking – At the next employee meeting Tim wants to talk about the campus being tobacco free for fall semester.  Tim wants to come up with a plan, check with outside resources, check with other colleges, how it will tie in with the new Student and Wellness Center, focus on the financial aspect and how to help students and employees through the process.  We need to get smoking cessation information. We will start with a soft start in the fall with giving people warnings for smoking on campus.


Next committee meeting will be held on March 12th @ 1:00 p.m.  

Last changed: Mar 12 2014 at 10:35 AM


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