NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


February 10, 2016

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

·         Review minutes of January 5, 2016 meeting

-          Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept


·         Old Business

-          Camera Signage Update – Barry reported that the signs are in, areas identified for placement, maintenance will be putting the signs up over the course of the next week.  While the signs are not required; they are a courtesy.

-          Safety Training – Barry reported that on February 24 @ 8:00 a.m. there will be Slips, Trips & Falls mandatory training for maintenance and custodial staff; 10:00 a.m. there will be Video Display Terminal (VDT) training; reminders will be sent out next week.  Since the VDT training has to be done live and a few staff members cannot be here, Barry will check with Rob Thomas, MMA, to see what can be done.


·         Policy Review Updates

-          Need to set deadlines

-          This portion of the meeting was tabled due to time constraints.


·         SHAPE Award Status – Information was handed out and Barry talked about the need to follow up and make sure everything is in place for reapplication.  This has to be done every two years to maintain status.


·         Emergency Action Plan


-          President Crowley: Sent a copy of our plan to a consultant for review.  The consultant did send a list of items for consideration.  Meetings with the Presque Isle Police Dept. and responders have taken place and input given to help in developing a plan.  There is activity on an emergency action plan at both the system and the campus level at this time. 

-          Barry:  Gave an update on NIMS training that he, Peter and Bill attended at UMPI.  The training was an executive overview and did not get into details.  He reported that NMCC had been invited to TAMC on May 26 for EOC training. 

-          Barry also talked to the group regarding a secondary notification system, other than the RAVE Alert system, called the Alertus System.  He handed out information and talked about all the components available with the system.  UMPI, CMCC, EMCC and KVCC have implemented the Alertus Desktop portion of the available components, which is free.  Other pieces of the available components do have costs associated with them.  Barry proposed that we start with the Alertus Desktop piece and perhaps later build on it.  A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept.

-          Steve talked a little about if an event took place and lasted more than a few hours, than there would need to be more than one person able to carry out the responsibilities of the Incident Commander or other designated persons.

-          Jon mentioned that he had read some information on free training that FEMA provides.


·         New Business

-          Facility Safety Checklist – Steve queried the committee regarding the existence of checklists for each area and where the information is stored.  There was discussion on the development of safety checklists and whether they should be conducted weekly, monthly, quarterly; as well as who should perform the inspection – instructors, outside person, etc. and the need to make sure whoever is conducting the inspection is qualified.

-          Monthly Incident Reports – Mike reported that there had been two incident reports since the last meeting.  One involved a staff member who slipped on the ice.  There was no injury reported or loss of time.  The second involved a worker’s compensation claim that resulted in restricted duty and no loss of time.  Mike also reported that there are three worker’s compensation cases pending as well as one ongoing case.  The OSHA 300A reported is completed and has been published and is available for anyone who wishes to view it in the lobby.


Round Table

·         President Crowley – Reported that in Penobscot Hall we have 48 visitors who are here for the Biathlon.  Things are going well and the coaches are responsible for their teams.

·         Barry – Informed the group that over the course of the next month there will be a change in custodial cleaning products.  The safest products were identified and will be a solution system using dispensers.  He will bring the SDS information to the next meeting.

·         Peter – Reported that the magnet identifiers and light bar for the security car have been received.  He also informed the group that radios have been reactivated and are located in the President’s office, Barry’s office, Fred’s office, Jon’s office, Bill’s office and in security.  He is working on putting together a bag with extra batteries, chargers, etc.  He stated that he feels some training should be done.  Statewide responders have radios so this could be a good tool in the event of a crisis. 

·         Tom- Reported that there had been an incident in the Wellness Center.  There was a person who fell on the treadmill and broke her arm.  She has since returned to the Center.  A report was filed with security and with Mike.

·         Steve then asked about the December 5, 2015 minutes that had been distributed.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:45.  President Crowley and Dottie will meet to discuss a date for the next meeting.


Last changed: Aug 12 2016 at 11:13 AM


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