NMCC - Nursing Department

Nursing & Allied Health Department Meeting Minutes

December 4, 2006

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            Topic                                       Discussion                                                                     Decision

Report from Dept. Chair













Student issues










Technological Issues

(distant site)






























Re-admission process

























Acceptance into nursing program
























Dept. committee reports




















Level meetings


Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Marilyn Willette

Follow-up from program advisory committee-- does anyone have any comments?


Betty has received the most recent copy of the master curriculum design.




Faculty is looking at ways to do their clinical orientation. A lot of time is spent going over the same content at each facility– much of which is addressed within the nursing curriculum.   


Necessary to reconsider an appeal from a Level I student to retake the pharmacology test.  Two students who appealed were accepted; one student was denied a third test.  Betty has a second letter of appeal.  Student is in passing status.  Student hasn’t asked Sue for tutoring.


Mary made a motion that student be allowed to take a third test; all in favor.


Betty welcomed Dr. Punches who wanted to talk about the concerns faculty had in relation to issues with the polycom connection.  These problems went on for three and one-half weeks.


Dr. Punches wanted feedback from Shirley at WCCC.  Shirley shared that it was very hard for the students not to be able to hear, but they do have the tapes now.  Some students have taken them home and watched them.


Some test scores were low, but it is felt that there isn’t any direct correlation.  Students were affected more a couple of weeks ago. It was very stressful for faculty who had guest speakers; it was frustrating and embarrassing.


Dr. Punches wanted Shirley to give him a sense of the frustration from the students.  Shirley said the students first wanted to close their books and try another day, especially when they couldn’t ask questions.  Discussion followed.


Dr. Punches commended faculty for trying and wanted to know what could be learned from this? What is the fall back plan?



Dr. Punches is going to be talking to the new academic dean at WCCC.


We have two applications for re-admission into spring semester; a student for Level I and one for Level II, who withdrew last year for medical reasons.


Motion made to accept Level II student for re-admission. All in favor.


Betty has a letter from a Level I student for re-admission; she is high risk.  Question of whether she is willing to get tutoring?  Mary is recommending that she be re-admitted; all in favor.


We have a student who wants to transfer from EMCC; she will be sending all the required information. Question of what the correlation is between their program and ours?  Betty believes it is the same and will follow up with Department Chair from EMCC should student continue transfer process.


Semester end; Betty reminded faculty about test questions for the final exams.  She also reminded them about syllabi for spring semester.


Question of what the acceptance process is? Mary shared that the guidance counselor from Easton shared that he hasn’t been able to get any seniors accepted directly into our program.


Currently Betty looks at the applications and makes her recommendations.  Bill Casavant then looks at them and then they sit down together and review them.


Much discussion followed.


Betty inquiring as to what faculty wants for recom-mendations with regards to the application process?





Daryl feels applicants should be notified if there is a slot available.  If they have passed and done well on their entrance testing; let them know early.



Curriculum -- Roberta reported; the meeting agenda for next semester has been set.


Program Evaluation -- Kim reported; meeting is scheduled for next week.  Pinning Ceremony is scheduled for May 18.


Test Review -- Mary reported; need to set up a meeting. They are still keeping track of how many “credits” if correct are given on each test.


Well-Elder Tea is scheduled for December 12,

2-4 p.m.  Deborah will have a get-together for

the students and well-elders in Houlton.


SNA -- they held a Holiday Family Fun Day on December 2.  It wasn’t very well attended and only one student from Level I was involved.  Paula feels it needs to be marketed differently.


Will be held this afternoon.








This will be a good starting point when meeting with the advisory committee again; will share with them where curriculum is designed.


Will need to plan in advance.












Test will be given on December 13.



IT personnel tested equipment at both the NMCC and WCCC sites. All equipment was in proper working order.


The problem was with Verizon telephone lines and was finally resolved.  These technological problems need to be a top priority.















In the future it is imperative that rapid response and resolution must be done by all concerned. Persons with authoritative power must be equally involved early in that process.





























Will be necessary to look at our admissions process again.


















Betty will review with administration/ student services for revision of process and incorporate the several suggestions made.

















If students are interested in doing something like this again, they need to see Karen in the development office.

Last changed: Mar 20 2007 at 3:34 PM


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