NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


December 11, 2013

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

We made an introduction to the new Director of Finance, Mike Williams to the safety committee.


The committee moved to accept the November minutes.  In regards to the minutes the committee should follow up on the items that were discussed at the previous meeting.


1)      Old Business


A)    Knox boxes checked by the fire department and verified everything worked.  Need to get documentation on this.

B)    Bureau of Labor Standards – Carl completed the documentation for the audit, we are in the process of apply for the SHAPE program.  We need to talk to someone in Augusta to review our logs. We will apply for safety inspection, look at the work compensation numbers and safety programs.

i)           Security SOP – Electronic log system – flexible schedule for security, bar code to take pictures with phone

C)    Incidents – Carl needs to send a campus wide email on proper footwear during the winter season

Safety Training

i)              Training for new employees and adjunct faculty in Room 206.  Maintenance will be adding PPE.  Need to do advance bloodborne for custodial.  Receiving, security, maintenance, custodial and bookstore should attend back injury training.  Carl ordered carbon monoxide sampling tubes.  Respiratory hearing tests are done.

J)  New Business

i)       Ban Smoking on campus

  a)  Tim recommended moving this forward.  The Board of Trustees will have a rule within the next 6 months. 

   b) Form a subcommittee that should include Linda in the health center.  Get support  for smokers to quit.  Also, should get student and RA’s involved.   

ii)                  Need armed security officers on campus.  How would visitors feel about this, should we keep it discrete.  Tim would like the committee’s thoughts.  Securitas doesn’t carry weapons – only cell.  Need to add additional personnel for defense.  Mace, pepper spray, very small billy club should be used.

iii)          Res Life could leave their weapons at the fish and game club to have 24 hour access.

iv)                Review campus policies by March, give time to make adjustment if needed.  Dottie will look at faculty schedule on times for the safety committee for this semester.

v)               Tyler will be leaving securitas so we will see some new securitas employees.

K)  Other Business

i)  Greg mentioned the concern in parking.  When will the parking policy go into   effect?   Parking won’t be enforced until after construction is done in the spring.

ii) Bob Collins mentioned there is a health issue in the bathrooms and aren’t being  properly cleaned.  He talked to Judy and it has improved.

ii)      Fire extinguishers are not being checked, Carl will follow up on this

iii)    Some changes in the custodial schedules and duties, Barry will be their new supervisor.

Last changed: Jan 22 2014 at 11:22 AM


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