NMCC - President's Cabinet

August 24, 2015

Posted by Heather Richardson (nhrichar) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

President’s Cabinet Notes
  August 24th, 2015
10:00am 3rd Floor Conference Room
Attendance: Dottie Martin, Mike Williams, Sue Bernard, Timothy Crowley, Barry Ingraham
Absent: Bill Egeler
Recording: Heather Richardson
Call to Order- 10:00am
1.       Follow up on where the President’s Cabinets notes will be stored on portal:
President Crowley is going to talk to Gail Roy in the library and see if she can continue posting them as she did in the past.
2.      Reports from Department Heads
Dottie Martin
Administrative Days schedule attached.
Adjunct Faculty Handbook is completed and also available on the portal.
       President Crowley
We will not be filling the payroll position at this time.
Going to talk to Tom Richard about getting the Wellness Center more exposure. He would like to see Tom reaching out to students/staff and giving them a tour of the facility. 
       Sue Bernard
                WAGM is on campus today reporting on New Precision Machining Technology Lab.
RA’s and RD’s are at the homeless shelter today cleaning and doing some small maintenance and painting on the apartments they have for displaced families.
Annual Report is coming along great.
        Mike Williams
Due to the Security office hours, it is sometimes hard to obtain a parking pass so now parking passes will be available in the business office with Carol.
Today is Wendy Caverhill’s first day, she is located in the office next to Julie. Please stop by and introduce yourself.
The bid is out for this year’s pellets.
       Barry Ingraham
                Maintenance Building construction will start next week.
We have 12 applicants for the custodial positions, putting a committee together to go over the applications.
Who Is in charge of safety? This will be discussed at the next cabinet meeting.
3.      Outlook installation training
More Outlook training to come and policies will be made. In the meantime if you have any questions please contact Barry, Robert or Jarrod.
      4.  Enrollment update full time, part time, dual enrolled.
671 students are enrolled to date. This is down from last year.
5.      Employee meeting agenda for Thursday.
Will be going over customer service, answering phones, budget, introducing new employees, maintenance plans, etc… See attached.
6.      Facility projects progress, Aroostook Hall, PM and EMS Labs
Aroostook Hall certificate of occupancy will be issued today. Barry will be going over the punch list with Reed Devoe from Devoe Construction Inc. tomorrow on final touches.
PM lab is finished. It just needs exterior sign and that will be ordered by Sue Bernard.
Aroostook Hall exterior sign has been ordered by Barry Ingraham
EMS is pretty much finished up. Needs just a few final touches around cove base and trim.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:57am


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