NMCC - Nursing Department

Nursing & Allied Health Department Meeting Minutes

August 23 2007

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 Topic                                       Discussion                                                                     Decision

Welcome back    Betty welcomed everyone back.

Teena Dominie is the new lead instructor at
WCCC.  Shirley Norton had submitted her resignation.    

Teena will be on 2/3 salary; will work 25-26 hours per week.  Tammy Brown–Preston will be the new part time instructor; she will work 20 hours per week.

There will be 16 students at WCCC.
    Betty and Kim went down to Acadia and met with the nursing coordinator educator in regards to psych rotations.  The meeting went very well.     Kim will be taking two groups of stu-dents there for psych rotation experiences with the remaining students going to NMMC for psych experiences.    
Eileen, Betty and Kim went to Fort Kent to explore psych rotation experiences there.  The units consist of six beds for child adolescent and seven beds for adults.     
Betty sent a proposal letter to Fort Kent.
Seven students will go for clinical at
a time.  Kim will be there on Friday afternoon to do orientation.  The    
Bill Egeler has been in contact with UMFK to perhaps rent dorms rooms at a discounted rate
to keep costs down for the students.     students will do 12 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday and an eight hour shift on Monday.     

Social committee

Nursing orientation
Janice is looking for contributions for the sunshine fund.

It was noted that the orientation went very well.

    Forty-five students have been accepted for
Level I.  Discussion followed about computer
room availability for testing.        

There is a clinical issue with the ratio of 8:1, students to instructor.     
Will be necessary to have an adjunct instructor.     
Fall start–up

Info night in Madawaska    Question of what needs do we have?  Nothing mentioned.

There has been a request in the valley area for nursing.    


Courses from Husson


ERI practice tests    
Bill Egeler, Tammy Nelson, and Betty Kent-Conant recently met.  Bill has included past adjunct nursing faculty, Shannon Gibson and Sarah Ellsworth, who will be eligible to take courses from Husson, free of charge.  In return, Bill is asking them to provide tutoring services for nursing students for 20 hours
a semester.

Discussion about which instructors are in need of CPR?

Discussion regarding ERI tests; instead of specifying what tests have to be done each semester, per-haps have them complete five each semester.    

All instructors are in need.

Faculty will help Level I students select the tests to complete.  Faculty will collect the tests at the end of the semester.    



Attendance Policy    Betty reminded faculty that the attendance policy is “what the instructor says it is and what is printed in syllabi”.  Question of what this department is going to do regarding the number of hours missed?     If a clinical day is missed, it has to
be made up.  It is necessary to take attendance in class.  This needs to  
be discussed further on Monday.     
Fall and Winter Recreation Show on September 29 & 30    Karen Gonya talked briefly about the show.  The Foundation is selling booth space: buy one space and get the second one free, for non-profits.
They would like the nursing students to participate.
Daryl suggested perhaps EMS students could do something.     Angela Berry-Thompkins and Karen Gonya are available for further discussion.     
TAMC Orientation    Barb Turner and other employees from TAMC were here to discuss the orientation process.

Eighteen Level II students will attend computer training on September 13.

Training for Level I students will be on September 17.

Discussion followed about returning students or returning LPN’s.     

If a student misses computer training, arrangements will need to be made with Karla.

Whatever training is done here, stu-dents will complete a sign-in sheet.
Medical Assisting Program    Students will be starting the MDA courses in the spring semester.         

Respectfully submitted,   

Marilyn Willette 

Last changed: Oct 23 2007 at 4:03 PM


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