NMCC - President's Cabinet

August 10, 2015

Posted by Administrator (admin) on [PUBL_DATE]
President's Cabinet >>

Location:  3rd Floor Conference Room

Call to Order- 10:05am

1.  Follow-up on Telephone Training-  President Crowley would like to set up a follow-up meeting this week, for all staff members, regarding answering telephones and Customer Service. Date and time to be announced.  The Microsoft Outlook Trainings are: Wednesday August 12th : 9:00am - 11:00am and 2:00pm - 4:00pm and Thursday August 13th: 9:00am - 11:00am  and 2:00pm - 4:00pm in the Edmunds Conference Room.

2.  Reports on observation from areas on operation efficiency.

Timothy Crowley

         Pres. Crowley would like to see staff make use of the Group Wise calendar more (in your e-mail) so there is less searching for people through-out campus. You may have to check and adjust your settings to allow fellow coworkers to view your calendar.

         Construction on Aroostook Hall is behind schedule, Barry and Tim will be communicating with contractors daily to keep project moving forward.

Mike Williams

         Noticed the use of time by some staff members could improve. Important for staff to stay on task and less visiting with other staff members.

          A service standard should be put into place for roles within the Business Office.

Dottie Martin

         Dottie likes how the phone calls are being transferred now. Announcing the caller to the appropriate person before connecting and transferring the call.

         Would like to see staff and faculty post their daily schedule and/or hours outside their office doors.

Bill Egeler

         Noticed that during orientation when we have rushes, we dont seem to have the man power to keep the flow going. He would like to see the staff more educated in the process so maybe they can help answer questions from students enrolling.

         Would like to see better communication internally regarding dates and deadlines to projects.

         Scheduling time off should be used wisely and when offices are appropriately staffed.

3.  Faculty Administration Days Agenda: This is a 2 day event open to all employees. Some of the topics that may be mentioned in this presentation are:

         NM Mission and Vision

         System Policies

         Technology Updates

         Accreditation Process/Timeline

         Purchasing Process

         Walk through of the New NM Website

         Telephone/Customer Service

         Open House- October 24th

         Academic Advising

         Safety Training (done online?)

         Tours of new facilities

         How to use Microsoft Outlook (recorded video tutorial)

President Crowley would also like to have an Employee meeting at some point during this event, regarding professionalism, customer service, budgeting etc...

4.  Enrollment to date. There has been some rise in enrollment in the last couple days. We have around 600 new students enrolled, to date. The re-entry program has helped bring back a few and advertising has helped as well. Res Life is down, there are 85 students signed up to stay on campus. There are also 98 new students that we are still waiting on, for paperwork.

5. CDL-  In Washington County for 7 weeks.

6.  Mechanical Tree Harvesting operation updates. This will soon be announced publicly and represented by CAT.  We are pressing the system office to get this going.

7.  Format for minutes from Management meetings. The format has been decided by the council and notes will be put in the library and posted to the portal.

8.  Other

Sue Bernard

o   Golf Tournament- $19,000+-was raised this year. The turn-out was good. The weather could have been better, dinner was excellent. The only complaints heard, were the wait time from when the tournament ended to the time dinner was served. TD Bank President Larry Wold praised NMCC and will be getting in contact with Phil Grondin to see if our tournament and Sturdivant Island Tuna Tournament dates can be adjusted some way for a better turn-out. The live auction went well, a group from LP all pooled their money together and placed a bid on the putter in honor of Glen Lamar.

o   Time Warner ads are now running.

o   Blending Home coming and Open House in October. A good time to show off the new areas on campus.

o   Working on annual report.

Mike Williams

o   Dave Daigle will be on campus Aug. 13th.

o   Julie is working on getting the furniture for Aroostook Hall here ASAP, she will be asked to put a report together as to what is coming and when and to get together with Joe before he leaves. He will be back on Wednesday Aug. 19th.

o   Working away at the budget.

Dottie Martin

o   Would like for everyone to get back to her this week on the new faculty orientation check list.

o   Changes have been made to the Travel reimbursement application. See Attached

o   Janet Sortor is beginning today as the MCCS Chief Academic Officer.

Bill Egeler

o   Meeting Thursday with UMFK at 9:00am-10:30am in Room 208 to go over Student Transfer and how it works. WAGM is being called regarding the meeting.

o   We increased Hussons rental fee has been increased starting this Fall.

o   Lynn Coy-Ogan, Hussons Provost will be on campus at the end of the month.

President Timothy Crowley

o   United Way Campaign underway.

o   Dave Daigle will be here Aug. 13th at noon to possibly discuss:

  Long term enrollment

  % of degrees in Aroostook County

  Limited Recourses

  Nursing Program

  Joint training of system out branches


o   NESC Meeting is coming up. We should be involved and creating a team.


Next Meeting- August 17th @ 10:00am 3rd Floor Conference Room

Meeting was adjourned at 11:34am


Last changed: Aug 21 2015 at 3:31 PM


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