Assessment Committee
Chairs: Heidi Broad-Smith, Jan Greico
Brian McDougal, Ron Fitzgerald (Ex Officio), Tammy Nelson, Susan Dugal, Jan Greico, David Raymond, Brian McDougal,
Heidi Broad-Smith, Laura McPherson, Jennifer Graham, Colleen Harmon, Bill Egeler (Ex Officio)
Charge: The charge of this committee is to develop and implement a comprehensive assessment plan for determining institutional effectiveness. The committee will examine existing assessment practices and strategies, and will explore, propose, implement and analyze new ones. A primary function of this committee is to communicate ongoing and proposed assessment activities to the campus community
April 4, 2007 |
Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE] |
Assessment >> |
Our leaders were optimistically supportive of our work, and though some did address some concerns over whether the tool should be used for assessment versus grading, the consensus was that we should continue to progress with this product developed. The English faculty will also work to provide examples, as well as a simplified “worksheet” to help with grading. Here were the suggestions on how we should progress with the roll out. I would like to finalize these at our April meeting.
We should do a seminar/workshop with the English faculty discussing how to use the tool. This should be held during the administrative days, and should include a portion on how to get faculty comfortable with using the tool. The overriding goal of getting everyone “interested” in improving writing will need to be stressed. I will work with Ron and the English faculty to develop this program. Alan is also working on another seminar about assessment, so this should fit in well.
We will need to make all of the faculty aware that we are hopeful of everyone using the standardized rubric to grade assignments. The chairs present felt it would be important for the instruction of this to be a face to face instruction, but that it should occur before fall, since many people work on syllabi early.
We still need to do a curriculum map of all of our courses and programs, to determine where formal graded writing assignments are required. All of the nursing and allied health programs have been completed- I will work with the department chairs after vacation to finalize the curriculum map.
Finally, we have ordered the assessment tests for Janet Grieco to administer in her English Comp classrooms. We ordered about 25 essays to pilot, and 80 multiple choice grammar tests to pilot. We also have found a third company that offers interesting free products that we may want to evaluate in the fall.
Just an update on assessment activities. I will keep you posted. A reminder that the next scheduled meeting is on April 27th at 8am in the 3rd floor conference room.
Respectfully submitted,
Daryl Boucher
Last changed: Apr 08 2010 at 9:33 AM