NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


April 25, 2007

Posted by Kim Ferguson (nkfergus) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

Learning Center Conference Room, Christie Building


Those in attendance were:  Tammy Deschesne, Diana Doody, Lori Googins, Coleen Harmon, Barry Ingraham, Karl Jackson, Shawn Lahey, Brian McDougal, Jackie Nadeau, and Greg Thompson.


Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm.


Shawn motions to approve amended minutes.  Greg seconds the motion.  All agree.


Karl passes out the updated EMG (Emergency Management Group) sheet.  The President’s name is now on the list.  This copy is still in a draft form and is a component of the plan being put together for the Subcommittee of the Safety Committee.  The EMG sheet will be edited as needed.


Shawn hands out the Malicious Call/Bomb Threat Procedures sheet.  Number six is the only difference between the printed version and the e-mail version.  All phones have a “record” button.  When a threat is called in, try to get as much information from the caller as you can.  It is understood that the rules may not apply to each situation.  


Coleen asks if it is possible to put the Dean of Student’s phone number on the Bomb Threat Procedures document.  Shawn replies that the back side of the document has emergency contact telephone numbers.  Barry says he will ask Mr. Egeler about having his number on the front of the document.


The third sheet Shawn handed out, In The Event of an Emergency Always Dial 911.  This particular sheet has been brought to the committee before and is targeted towards the night shift.  Coleen stated that not all locations have telephones.  Shawn is working on that.  Greg reminds everyone that most students have cell phones and Lori mentions that there are payphones around campus.


Greg implies that he may not fill out the bomb sheet at the time of the call due to his desk being cluttered.  (This could extend to many on campus.)  Placement of the document should be near a telephone where one can easily retrieve it if necessary.  Recording the conversation is a good idea.  Diana inquires as to where the record button is on the phones. Shawn describes the position of the record button.  Telephone training due this fall will include demonstration of the record button. 


Karl moves to accept the Bomb Threat Procedures sheet.  Greg seconds the motion.  All agree.


The fourth sheet is handed out—Evacuation Procedures.  Coleen questions number four.  Should people stay in the room waiting for the police, or leave?  How will anyone know?  Where will the phone ring if Bill (Egeler) is not in his office?  If Shannon (Cook) is not at her desk?  If it is after 4:30 p.m.?  Barry refers to third sheet handed out, Always Dial 911, if Bill is not available.  Lori adds to use the procedure as a guide and then to use common sense.  It is expected that all individuals will evacuate accordingly when the fire alarm is sounded.


Robert is updating evacuation maps for every room on campus.  All maps will have an evacuation route drawn in red from each room as well as it will have written instructions.  Mounting hardware has been purchased for the maps, which will be placed beside each door entering a room.  This is another component of the Emergency Action Plan that is currently being developed.




Karl motioned to accept the Evacuation Procedure.  Greg seconds the motion.  All in favor. 


Barry passes along that President Crowley would like the minutes from each meeting forwarded to the library to be posted for everyone on campus to view.


Karl was requested to complete activity of the Safety Committee for the colleges’ self-study committee.  He indicated that it may seem that little has been accomplished if it is viewed individually from meeting to meeting, but overall, many things have come to fruition in regards to the development of Health and Safety programs.


Lori brings up Bowdoin College and their cell phone use with instant messaging in cases of emergency.  Barry announces that NMCC and Honeywell were in talks last year about text messages and instant alert options.  The College would use the website and voicemail.  Barry is trying to set up a presentation by Honeywell.  He reports there is no “one-size solution.” 


“The old-style pager is unalarming and unintrusive,” says Greg, “but no system is fail-proof or inexpensive.”    


Greg also mentions the University of Maine at Presque Isle has phones in all their labs.  Barry responds with kindergarten through grade twelve schools have PA systems in all their rooms, however, most colleges and universities do not.  Barry mentioned that with the new wireless technology, new opportunities do exist but will require funding and other resources which take time.  Barry will have more information and answers next fall.


Karl adds other companies have LED message boards that they provide information to all employees.  There are a number of alternatives, but for now the fire alarm is our method to ensure evacuation.


Lori is still waiting on Tim Lowell for a date on AED training.  Looks like May 9 for mandatory volunteers.


Meeting adjourned 3:38 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,



cc:  President Crowley, Dr. Punches, Dennis Albert, Dan Boyd, Bob Collins, Roger Crouse, Tammy Deschesne, Diana Doody, Dean Duplessis, Bill Egeler, Lori Googins, Colleen Harmon, Barry Ingraham, Karl Jackson, Betty Kent-Conant, Shawn Lahey, Larry LaPlante, Brian McDougal, Sonny Michaud, Jackie Nadeau, Peggy O’Kane, Robert Rice, Tom Richard, Greg Thompson.

Last changed: Nov 07 2008 at 11:13 AM


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