NMCC - Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

Charge:  Composed of representatives from each department/area of the college, this committee conducts safety audits as needed of all areas of the college and reports findings to area managers with a copy to the president and vice president.  Recommends to the vice president health and safety training and/or professional development activities, and engages in other action as appropriate to recommend actions to assure a healthy and safe environment for out students and employees


April 20, 2011

Posted by Gail Roy (ngroy) on [PUBL_DATE]
Environmental Health & Safety >>

The committee met in the third floor conference room.
There were no changes to the March minutes, they were accepted as presented.   This will be our last meeting of the semester.

 We went over several policies which included the Electrical Arc-Flash, Vehicle Use and Driving, Video Display Terminal and Office Ergonomics (VDT) policies.

 The Electrical Arc-Flash policy deals with electricity that pertains to Barry and Steve.  They need to wear the arc-flash gear when dealing with electricity.  Dave mentioned a few changes need to be made to the arc-flash policy pertaining to the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 

Arc –Flash gear on page 4, 2nd bullet that it needs to be clarified about under layers of clothing.  Also, add ear canal inserts to be used.
  • Safety shoes on page 4, 8th bullet that the shoes need to be leather with a smooth toe with no stitching.

Also, need to make a change pertaining to Training.  On page 3, last bullet needs to be changed from Manager of Safety & Staff Development to Director of Physical Plant & Technology. 

Dave also mentioned that we needed a way to ensure unauthorized personnel did not get into the panels without proper training. Barry mentioned that a procedure had been established already where all panels are to be locked and only those trained in Arc-Flash have access to the keys.

Video Display Terminal and Office Ergonomics (VDT) policy complies with Maine State Law Title 26, Section 252 to protect employees against static posture injuries.   No changes were made to this policy.  In the past Peter Noddin from Maine Municipal Association has evaluated workstations here on campus.  Peter Noddin is no longer with MMA and has been replaced by Bob McNally.

Vehicle Use and Driving policy is in conjunction with MCCS policy.  This policy pertains to anything with an engine, including lawn mowers.  Seatbelts are strongly enforced to be used while driving any college-owned vehicle.  There were no changes to this policy.

We will give these policies to the management team for approval after changes are made.

Tim gave us an update on the Policy/Procedure Review.  In 2 weeks we will post a part time position for a safety administrator.  This person will identify safety issues and be responsible for scheduling and monitoring training.  They must also be OSHA certified. SMCC & WCCC have a safety administrator on their campus.  A draft of the job description will be sent out to the committee before posting the position.

Commencement will be off sight this year at the forum.  We need to talk with the city about appropriate emergency response & egress for commencement.  Our staff will assist with parking and setup.

Judy mentioned the lack of a 1st aid kit in the energy building. It was put in place before the meeting. The building also has fire extinguishers, eye wash stations and an MSDS mini in place and being checked regularly.

Judy also mentioned the gym door that was vandalized recently and had not been taped or roped off.  Security will be notified to tape or rope off areas like this for future occurrences.

Dave mentioned a student had a heart attack in his classroom.  He wanted to show his appreciation for everyone involved that helped and the student was doing fine and back in class.

This is the last meeting of the academic year. 


Last changed: May 23 2011 at 2:43 PM


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