NMCC - Business Operations


Posted by Administrator (admin) on [PUBL_DATE]
Business Operations >>

Policy #:       6471:01
Subject:        Food Service Operations
Section:        Business Operations
Effective:     Ongoing

Food service on this campus will be provided via a contract with a firm to operate the service provided through the facilities of  Reed Commons.

The criteria listed below constitute the two types of operation.  The Food Service Manager will plan, organize and direct the activities.

  1. Dining Room Operation
    1. Resident students will be served
    2. Resident students having off-campus activities, i.e. field trips, will be served as in the past.
    3. Identification cards will be required by the resident students for entry into the dining room.
    4. Off- campus groups, by prior arrangement, may have their needs met for meals.  No hot meals will be available to off-campus groups outside of Reed Commons.
    5. Staff members, guests, students and adults will have the dining room and snack bar available for food service while on campus.
  2. Sales and Services at Snack Bar.
The Food Service Manager will assign personnel and coordinate the sales function with the Director of Finance.
  1. Food service offered for commuters, staff and others.
  2. Provision and sale of snacks for breaks by class members and groups, such as coffee and doughnuts for off-campus groups.

Last changed: Mar 08 2007 at 2:15 PM


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