NMCC Acceptable Use Policy for College Information Resources
To support and enhance the educational activities of NMCC by providing access to additional resources, both within and external to NMCC and extending the opportunity for collaborative work. The college encourages the use of college resources for these primary activities. These resources include, but are not limited to, hardware (including telephones, computers, and traditional media equipment) either owned or leased by the college, software, and consulting time (and expertise) of the computer staff. The use of technology resources provided by the college for endeavors not directly related to enhancing and facilitating teaching, collaborative work, and applied research should be considered as secondary activities. Should such secondary activities in any way interfere with primary activities, they may be terminated or limited immediately. Many of the technology resources of the college are shared among the entire college community. Everyone using those resources should be considerate of the needs of others and be certain that nothing is done to impede anyone else's ability to use these resources. Such impediments may include, but are not limited to:
The Information Technology Office, instructors, advisors, and supervisors can help clarify this policy or to help you resolve any other problem you encounter in using NMCC computing services and facilities. Any user who does not adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy(s) for the network(s) that the user is connected to may have his/her access to the NMCC network terminated. The use of NMCC network is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use may result in a cancellation of those privileges and/or disciplinary action taken under the MCCS policies and procedures and/or the NMCC Student Code of Conduct.